Well good afternoon, of sorts. It is cold here, so I wouldn't really call it good, but I'm snugged up inside, so that's good right? Anyway, I am interested in starting an rp with you, obviously, hence my posting. I wouldn't mind a SupernaturalxHuman or SupernaturalxSupernatural pairing. Do either of these strike you? I am an adult female, and would rather like to play a female, it is just my own personal preference to play women. I can post 2 times daily, but more often than not in the evenings Mon-Thurs, but will make it a point to try to do during the day some if it is an issues. I get online daily, and will reply daily, and would expect the same. I usually reply with a minimum of two paragraphs, and am not sure what my max reply would be, it all depends on how our plot goes and how much effort you put into it for me to work with. I cannot express how overly ecstatic I am about the no fandoms, there are so many of them on this site, that it is hard to find someone who doesn't cling to an already made series. I am perfectly fine with adult situations, like you mentioned, if used properly. Seeing as I am an adult, I am a proponent to the occasional adult/mature/smut/whatever you would like to describe it, but only when the whole roleplay doesn't come about that. I am also a huge proponent for thread roleplays, I do not like to pm roleplay at all. The only time I am alright with PM roleplay, is when the other partner wants to go into adult/mature/etc. setting and doesn't want to post those certain parts of the rp in the thread, and then it can be tastefully transitioned from thread, to pm, and then back to thread. I, however, have no qualms about keeping it all in the thread regardless of the setting, I am just mentioning this in case you like to move the more explicit settings to pm roleplay. So, yes, once more let me state, I am interested.