"Shouldn't be too difficult, I just need to find out where they're holding him," Ronan slightly slowed, allowing Dom to zoom past him. He hoped he just wasn't getting them both in a crap load of trouble, and maybe they could pull this off. He barely heard the little lady shouting threats at them, he was focussing on picturing everywhere in the facility he had been. He thought about taking Dom for a moment, but thought better of it. He would need Dom here, distracting the majority of the facility staff. The cafeteria was unguarded during inactive hours. That would be a good place. Ronan pictured himself standing on one of the tables, and it happened. He teleported out of the air and onto the table, momentum still carrying him forward. Ro stopped himself before he slammed into the wall. He figured that their escape put all of the other projects on lock down. He would just have to work on avoiding the holding and testing rooms until he found someone. Ronan just realized they didn't know who got trapped. He cursed under his breath. [i]Better let out anyone that I can, then. [/i] He began sneaking through the halls, looking for anyone else that looked particularly healthy and relatively unguarded. [@DeathXtheXTree][@Americore]