[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/VrK4z6N.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=royalblue][b]Location: In the woods[/b] [/color][color=royalblue]||[/color][color=royalblue] [b]Angsting[/b] [/color][color=royalblue]||[/color][color=royalblue] [b]Mood: In pain and confused[/b][/color][/h3] [i] Interacting with [/i] Xena [@HowlsOfWinter] Faela [@Write] [/center] The grim scenes unfold before Vadik like the harsh winter breeze of his home, swift and bitter. He reacted the same way he did to any threat; he unsheathed his blade but did not strike. He couldn’t, since his enemies were the wind itself. His lips curled up into a snarl, his very postures screamed violence, but his amber eyes were tired and weary. In that short, stagnant moment, Vadik looked older than any mortal had the right to be. The wind hissed and taunted, but he only watched, darkened gaze promised neither vengeance nor hate. Then when frost bit his forearm, Vadik grunted in pain, breaking out of his trance. Before him, Xena was tossed carelessly to the ground, his eyes caught the glowing pattern of the sickness on her skin. He saw them and instinctively, he knew that they were not natural in origin. Dark, seething, but directionless rage bubbled up from within him as he dove for her prone body. “[color=royalblue]No. No, no, no.[/color]”- He chanted, shaking hands cradling her tentatively. Even against his frostbitten hands, her skin was freezing cold. - “[color=royalblue]Don’t leave me, Xena.[/color]” He felt for the faint beats on the side of her neck, letting out a shaky breath when he knew she was still among the living. However, he needed to get help fast. A sharp pain ran up his left arm as he tried to lift her. Vadik looked at his forearm and found that the shard of ice imbedded there earlier had melt, leaving behind an open wound. Dark veins crawled up the side of arm, heralding ill omens. For a shard of ice to poisoned was unheard of. But Vadik knew that there were darker forces behind that attack. He was not sure how, but he knew. And he wanted to live so he could face them again. Quickly shredding a strip of cloth from his shirt, he bound it tightly around the crook of his arm, hoping to stall the venom as much as possible. His wound still bled profusely, but he figured he could hold on a little bit longer. The campsite was not far away. Before he could make the second attempt to pick Xena up, a figure entered his field of vision. It was a woman, though he couldn’t say he recognized her. “[color=royalblue]Who are you?[/color]”- He growled, the repressed rage bled into his voice. However, as the words left him, he vaguely recalled hearing someone shouting for Xena. His recollection of the transpired events was oddly fuzzy. It must be the poison coursing in his veins. Regardless, there is high possibility that this woman might be an acquaintance of Xena. “[color=royalblue]I need to… get her back.[/color]”- His tone softened, though he still eyed the woman warily as he moved to pick Xena up again. [hider=Skillz][list][*][color=9999FF]Prowler[/color] Like most members of his clan, Vadik is a hunter and he moved like one. Fur boots silenced his steps, and treacherous grounds does slow him. [*][color=797a9e]Hunter[/color] Tracking beasts comes natural for him, and by following the stars and the moon above, Vadik does not wander astray. [*][color=9999FF]Jailer[/color] Excelled at hiding his presence, Rex can easily avoid detection from other Gods. Even as they peer into his soul, he would weave the scraps of his host’s dying spirit into an effective camouflage. (Negative modifier when roll for detection) [/list] [list] [*][color=797a9e]Survivor[/color] Taught to be self-sufficient from a tender age, Vadik knows how to look out for himself in the wilderness. He knows some basic medications found in natural plants and rudimentary first-aids. [*][color=9999FF]Killer[/color] Mastering the blade from a young age, along with thousands years of experience borrowed from the Mangled God, Vadik’s skills far exceeded that of a mortal man. However, when he tapped into the god’s knowledge, there might be chance he could hurt himself due to the limitations of mortal bodies. [*][color=797a9e]Pretender[/color] Straddling that fragile line between life and death, Vadik no longer possesses many mortal attachments. If he so wanted, Rex could easily block out any uncomfortable sensation of the body. Mind magic does not work as well on his host, just as blood and pain no longer deter him. [/list] [/hider]