[quote=@Hitman5455] [color=39b54a]"Yeesh, sounds like Ashleigh did a number on you."[/color] Jason chuckled. In the short time span in between him talking and vedika replying(which Jason had made an eternity) he was able to figure out what had happened. Ashleighs use of her powers had taken an extreme psychological toll on her, after she took some braclet off of course. [i]That Braclet must be her inhibitor.[/i] They soon reached the infirmary. Jason carried vedika through a narrow doorway and was motioned into another room by a gym instructor. The Room seemed to radiate sub-zero temperatures, it was too cold. [color=00a651]"Christ it's fucking cold in here."[/color] Jason said to vedika, receiving a scowl of disapproval from the gym instructor. Jason set her on the bed in the center of the room. [/quote] "It's...not Ashleigh's fault," Vedika tried to say with more conviction than she had, "I was just experimenting with my powers when this happened. Just a coincidence." As Jason placed her down on the bed, Vedika, who had calmed down considerably, tried testing her body, fidgeting, pushing and moving her limbs to see just exactly what she could or couldn't feel. In her earlier panic, she had lost track of herself, but now she noticed that if she focused, she was able to move with an acceptable degree of coordination. Maybe with a little training she could walk and run normally in a short amount of time, although she hoped this nambness wouldn't last long enough to necessitate that. At least she could still feel how cold it was. "Maybe it's cold because they're keeping that fire boy here too?" Vedika wondered.