Name: Marc Wallace Age: 17 Looks: creepy to look at he constantly wears a full gasmask to hide his face and an old aviators helmet to protect his head, he wears a worn pilot jumpsuit that has been stitched in many places. He wears a metal chest piece and shoulder guards. His outfit is completed by a medical brace he wears on his left leg and a cruch he uses to help him walk long distances. Personality: Mentally tough he has no problem dealing with danger. He is often quite and gentle, but when given the chance he can be very crule and sadistic. Faction: NONE S:6 P:7 E:10 C:3 I:10 A:4 L:2 Back story: He was 11 when he was taken by slavers and sold to a saloon for pocket change. He worked as hard as he could, day in and day out he cooked, cleaned and tended the bar. Hoping one day he would earn his freedom, but to no avail. He worked for 5years at that saloon sometimes as the bouncer because of this he can take a hit and quickly land a crippling blow, untile one day he had enough of the abuse. He drew a knife he had taken from the kitchen and killed a bar patron who had continuously harrased and bullied him, fearing his masters rage he stole the rifle from under the counter and fled into the wastland. He has been on his own ever sense. Weapon choice: bolt action rifle, knuckduster combat knife. Extra info: Having a lot of time on his hands, he has become a master tool maker. He is particularly good at knaping stone into shape for tools and weapons. He constantly has a stone blade hidden somewhere on him and an assortment of stones and rare rocks that he uses to trade and make tools with.