Jaden chuckled as he took the fork out of his mouth, flipping it between his fingers with long practiced ease and dexterity. [color=Ivory]"I can't disagree with you there, but I think that's the reason he invited me. Said I needed to get my head out of my books and, as he so tastefully put it, 'between some young girl's legs'."[/color] Letting out an exasperated sigh, he tossed the fork behind him lazily, the silverware flipping end over end before finding itself almost perfectly in the sink that rested some feet away, clinking off the sides a bit before settling along the bottom. [color=Ivory]"While I doubt I go that far, I must admit that my eternal life has gotten a bit too. . . routine in the past century. Go out to handle affairs, read some books, keep an eye on you, repeat ad nauseam. Besides, I think myself as rather 'groovy' as the kids say . . ..or do they not say that anymore?"[/color] A scrunched frown took hold of the white haired immortal's features as he pondered on whether his use of lingo was appropriate for the current decade, but soon a sigh would escape from his lips as he realized that Clara would probably be quick to correct him on the matter. Unlike him, she seemed easily able to transition from era to era without any worry, while he was still trying to get used to how informal and wild the world had become over the years. Standing up with a huff, Jaden began to ruffle through his pockets for a while, searching for about a minute before he finally pulled his 'smartphone'. A sleek black model, and one of the latest to come off the line, or so he'd been told by the one who'd given it to him. It was a nifty little device and one he enjoyed using, especially to play the little games one could by from the digital stores. His favorite was the one about flinging the birds at flimsy fortifications manned by green swine. [color=Ivory]"Moving on to my choice of attire for the event, I was actually given a set of clothes by the man who invited me, and I think they'd suit me rather well. Just give me a second, I know I have a picture in here somewhere."[/color] He muttered with some frustration as he navigated through the many pictures he had in storage, many of them being of rather mundane things like TV's, escalators, construction sites, and so on and so forth. His eyes would narrow as he continued his search, before he gave a quick shout of victory as he found what he was looking for. Tapping on the picture in question, he turned the device over to show the [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/dd/1a/af/dd1aafc5672b045a7c7ca332f30c6797.jpg]outfit[/url] he planned to wear. [color=Ivory]"It's sleek, formal enough to fit my tastes, and best of all, its in all black.[/color] Once Clara was finished looking at the picture, he'd put the device back in one of his pockets, before take a second to look at the stove across the way, noting how it was getting pretty late. Eyes closed for a moment, he quickly removed his jacket and rested it on the chair, before he slightly unbuttoned his dress shirt, just enough so that there would be no fabric in the way of his neck. [color=Ivory]"I'm going to go out for a bit of a walk for the night, so if you think you need to feed, it's probably best to do it now. This place still holds many good memories for me, so I'd like to go out and reminisce for a bit."[/color] Jaden smiled to himself as he took a seat, eyes glazed over as distant memories, old and faded, played themselves out before his eyes. And yet, there was a sadness to this smile, a shadow over his eyes, suffusing them with a hollow, melancholic light.