[center] Clara could not help but scoff at his words, rolling her eyes. “How magnificently classy…” She murmured with a small sigh before she took another slow sip of her wine. “Your friend seems like he’s quite the charmer…” Lord knew what kind of trouble she could get herself into whenever this party was - she was in need of at least some form of entertainment after a while, especially considering the foul mood she had gotten herself into ever since they arrived. A change in pace most certainly would be welcomed as long as things had went in her favor. And yet - how could she argue a night of music, dancing, and most importantly - liquor? How Jaden would come to fare in that environment had yet to be seen, but she absolutely was interested in finding out. Perhaps things had become a little mundane as of late, but it was what Clara was used to. The scenery changed, but her habits remained the same - each night wandering about sniffing out trouble before Jaden would eventually come looking for her to drag her back home for the evening. Why he continued to bother was still beyond her. She scrunched her nose as he continued, before she shook her head. “Lord -- please do [i]not[/i] say that again.” Although, she couldn’t help but be humored over his choice of words - clearly he was still struggling to get used to the ever-changing world and he was quite a few decades behind, if she guessed correctly. “I don’t think anyone has described themselves as ‘groovy’ since the seventies…” Once more she sipped at her wine as she studied him rifling about in search of the phone that he soon pulled out. “Well- you seem quite prepared for this event -- I feel as if I didn’t quite have a say in the matter on coming or not. You probably intended on dragging me there either way.” Clara commented as she leaned a bit closer to eye the outfit on the small screen that he held. “Not bad -- at least you’ll blend in better than I’d hoped.” She teased, clearly the wine had calmed her down at least a bit. She would have to figure out something to wear as well, but given her extensive wardrobe that she continued to grow, she doubted she would have any trouble at all. Heels and a little black dress were the usual go-to for a night club, and although she hadn’t squeezed herself into one for quite some time, there was a part of her that was looking forward to getting dressed up in such a way. Maybe she could make a positive out of this… At his mention that he would go out for a walk, Clara had waved him off rather quickly. She hadn’t intended on going back out that night, not while she had already opened up a bottle of wine and intended on finishing it. Her ghosts of the past had still haunted her down each path of the town, she’d rather avoid any unwelcome memories stirring should she venture out that evening. At least he had something to hold on to -- which, to this day she still wasn’t terribly certain what had been here for him. She’d seen the look on his features before - that distant stare, that sad gaze hidden deep within his eyes. She’d never known what had been the cause, and she’d never thought to ask either -- If he hadn’t told her up until now, she didn’t want to pry, just as she wouldn’t want him to pry either… Her wounds were enough, she didn’t need to continue the night opening up another’s. “I’m alright-” Clara began quickly enough. She hadn’t needed to feed, nothing was terribly urgent for her to leave for the evening. “I’ll just be here--” Like usual. “At least one of us doesn’t mind this place…” She shifted and placed her glass down before she had moved to perch herself atop the counter, crossing her legs under her skirts. She reached over to the bottle of her wine, pouring more into her glass before the bottle was placed back down and she took another sip. This place was where her demons had been given life -- she did not need to roam further than she had, most certainly not alone. [/center]