[@Ojo chan 42][@dabombjk] Mithias looked form Kyle to Jean and his heart sank. They didn't know anything. He didn't have the ability to read their minds, as some vampires did, but he knew that much. They were innocent however, simply walking in on him at the wrong time. He straightened up and relaxed somewhat, his one of two swords down at his side. The yellow eyes in that darkened slit between his hat and sash narrowed as he responded, but was it in anger or pain? "Soldier betrayed me. They blew up my car in an attempt to murder me. I'm not surprised you weren't aware, as I am certain they covered it up. The corruption of the organization runs deep. You'll have to forgive my sneaking around and breaking into your friend's office." Mithias went back around the desk to the computer, casually touching the mouse as he went back to what he was doing. "There are those on both sides now that want to make sure I stay dead, and I am in need of a lot of information. The core of Soldier now is very anti-vampire, yet you would never suspect it on the outside. The peacekeeping force that was once our justified salvation will soon become our undoing, and I am trying to stop it. New, biased laws are being made. Vampires everywhere will be rounded up and put in camps, and our elders hunted down. I've watched this happen once before. It's bad enough what humans will do to each other let alone to those they fear." He closed whatever window he had open, depriving Kyle and Jean from seeing what he had been looking at, and addressed them again. "Ms. O'Neil has collected a wealth of information and seems to be good at it. I have no intent that harm should come to her. I assure you it is a complete surprise to me to find you here, Jean. I hope for Sasha's sake that you have successfully parted with your previously dangerous activities." Mithias made it clear that he didn't want an ex-assassin to endanger his new reporter. It wasn't a direct threat. Without revealing his stance on the matter he made in implication. "Doesn't it seem strange that my murder coincides with the rumors of a new 'Dracula?'"