[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Cecily Ashworth[/color][/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/9cd5f84d54b0784cdee4bcffeeaaa9a2/tumblr_inline_nvc59lXVO51qlt39u_500.gif[/img][hr]Location: the Morgue[/center][hr][hr]Cecily pulled her hair back, redoing the ponytail. The longer she worked in the lab, the more undone and disastrous it tended to get. Stepping aside to let Natasha at the screen, she peered over her shoulder, frowning slightly as the files located to their suspect were opened. It wasn't at all consistent, and it caused Cecily to sigh a bit. Serial killers were marginally easier to catch than contract killers. Though, there wasn't much of a difference between them. [color=00ccff]"Guess they must take credit cards then,"[/color] Cecily quipped, making a subtle reference to [i]Suicide Squad[/i]. She had a friend who worked in the department as a forensic artist, though sometimes doubled as an autopsy assistant. [i]Suicide Squad[/i] was Bonnie's all time favorite movie, and the thought of her best friend being happy brought a smile to her face. She hadn't seen Bonnie much. The original plan was that she and Bonnie were going to live together, but the forensic artist hadn't been ready to live with another person just yet. Her husband had been killed in action. That left Cecily without an apartment, and long story short, she ended up living with Riley Ridgeway in the Boston Heights. [color=00ccff]"Wait...Hold the phone...[i]Female[/i]?"[/color] Cecily asked, her tone lowering to a whisper. She glanced around the room, visibly paranoid, as her hands started to shake slightly. The woman who killed her -- the woman she [i]knew[/i] must have been responsible for Wallace's death, perhaps Danica's as well -- what would be the odds? As much as Cecily wanted to chastise herself for her personal feelings, she couldn't help but dread that she knew who did this. [color=00ccff]"Don't share this information with anyone. Anyone asks what we found, we got nothing. Dead end."[/color] With her phone out, Cecily snapped pictures of the files, and then shoved the phone away, before quickly closing them all. [color=00ccff]"If this is who I think it is, then this is a fucking mess we don't want to be in,"[/color] Cecily said, before her heart skipped a beat. For a moment, she considered that Natasha had been sent to kill her, to probe her for what she knew. She tugged on her hair, and glanced around wildly, before running out of the morgue. Everything that she had spent two years in therapy repressing came flooding back to her, and Cecily almost bolted for the emergency exit. But remembering how weak Natasha had been, she calmed down slightly. They wouldn't have sent someone who just did chemo to kill her--and they wouldn't have had her killer expose the identity of another killer to her. She took a deep breath, pulling on her ponytail again as a way to relieve stress. [color=00ccff]"Dr. Brinne...You're a lovely person. Don't stay in Justice. You'll just end up on the table,"[/color] Cecily said, nodding to Alicia and Lorna's bodies. [color=00ccff]"The minute they vote in a coroner, I'm quitting. Just...Just don't get sucked into this place, or they'll kill you."[/color] As soon as she could, she would let Caesar know who had killed his daughter -- that it was Proserpine. Cecily had no evidence for it, but the two girls had been close, at least as far as the YouTube footage of the Roller Derby had been concerned. And as soon as Prosperine was locked up in prison, she'd be able to sleep soundly at night. [hr][hr][center][h1][color=ff6600]Chloe "Tuesday" Ridgeway[/color][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/f26313342dd138ccf044108965890512/tumblr_mez1s5irMs1rcj004o4_250.gif[/img][hr]Location: Boston Heights[/center][hr][hr]Tuesday obliged, darting around a corner. She listened carefully to the conversations going on in the hall, hearing two familiar voices -- and an unfamiliar one. Her heart dropped, remembering every bad FBI show she had ever seen. Agents never came alone. They always had [i]partners[/i]. Silently screaming, Tuesday clenched her fist, before deciding Ronnie could handle the agents and Riley on his own. He'd understand. Still out of sight, Tuesday quickly made her way down the stairs of the Classic Building, noting that Marc's car was still parked outside. Figuring that Marc was inside Riley's apartment with his partner, Tuesday decided to duck into one of the other apartment buildings. There were three under the realm of the Boston Heights, and if anyone asked her why she was there, she could plausibly say that she was having trouble finding Riley's place. Or that she got off on places of death and decay. Dashing into the building next to Riley's -- the Rose Building -- Tuesday entered the main floor entryway. Slamming the door behind her, she darted up the stairs, not stopping until she reached the highest floor. Tucking herself away into a corner, she let out a sigh of relief. She was safe. Marc Tinder and his buddy were in the building next door. No one was going to send her back to prison. Leaning her head back against the wall, she had no idea that Marc was just a few floors below her -- or that she had slammed the door shut in her fright, likely alerting him to her presence.