[center] [h1][color=lightgreen] The Caravan [/color][/h1] [i]A Halloween Mini-RP[/i] [img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/elrion/images/5/5a/Fantasy_art_tristram_concept_diablo_iii_caravan_1600x900_30969.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130827010010[/img] [sup]This image looked much bigger on google. D:[/sup][/center] [i]Mmm... mmm... so you want to go north, do ya? Haven't ya heard of the crap up there? I mean, sure, life o' solitude n' all, but the strider demon thingies, horrid weather, worse n' worse roads- Oh, a set mind is it? Fine, fine, I'll tell ya how to go north. Keep talk'in. Not pulling your leg! I'm the only way north. Don' give me that look, ya had it coming just by asking to go up there in the first place. Hundred per-cent success rate, yes indeed. I always come back, after all. If 'tis north you're set on, north I'll take ya, given that seems the only point o' my existence anyways. Fifteen coins, the golden thingies. There's that face again. Come now, it's a good fee for a journey of that length. Unless ya have a mind for walk'in, that is. You'll pay? Good good. I'll just wait for a few more poor sods to come along and we'll be well on our way, hopefully we can scrape on by those blasted storms comin' round this season... Welcome to the caravan. Don't get the floors too dirty, you'll be sleeping on 'em for a while.[/i] [hr] Welcome to The Caravan, a high-free/low-casual/up to mid-casual level roleplay where for whatever reason or another, you have a character that wants to go north. What's north? Peace away from kingdoms in constant civil war, where superstition is rife, demon worshiping is rampant and a necromancer is tearing the hell out of three nations at once. Sounds like a good reason to brave the unknown dangers of the Northern Wood? Only if you're mad, desperate or don't give a damn. You can bring almost any sort of character that isn't blatantly "out there" in one regard or another - dragons, demons, angels, extremely or simply very powerful beings of other types, archmages are off the table*. Otherwise, you can bring pretty much whomever you want. The only thing, in fact, where I expect the crew to come together is the fact everyone just wants to leave the southern factions. If you're a dethroned lord, a fugitive highwayman, a political offender, a mage looking for some peace - up to you, there is no judgement in the caravan. The caravan's occupancy is 8 folks plus a rather eccentric driver with two horses, which will either be filled by players (preferably) or a mix of players and NPCs. If you think you have the dedication to bring two characters, go ahead, but my feathers will be ruffled doubly if you sag along. The action won't be set on the caravan, by the way - it's just the context. Without spoiling too much, the caravan's journey is going to be a little short - opening post short. This is not a roleplay that will last many months; it'll last a month. A post every 2 days is preferable, even if it's something small. I'll start bugging ya if we end up waiting on ya past the 2 day mark, but up to that you're in the clear. I don't like to railroad; given the goal of being short I'll be sticking to a general plot that will come to fruition (given considerable influence by players, of course, as my works are not set in stone). The directions you go are your own; even if you drop off the group and take your own path I'll dedicate a spot to you each IC post. The world is fantasy based with some cannons/guns to wealthier or better connected sorts. Otherwise, consider this a generally mid-fantasy context with 14th century Europe tech and some (as the concept image might suggest) diablo-verse referencing. The starting town will be skimming the edges of a desert in a plains area with large forests to the north, with relatively mild weather that is in contrast with the northern reaches. The southern part of the world is intentionally vast, meaning you can put in a pretty good variety of characters. I'd like 8 folks at max; the large group tag is only partially applicable in my mind on a technicality. I doubt we'll hit that high number :p Yeah. That's it. Oh yes, and boring mechanics and rules and junk. [hider=Rules] 1. I'm a somewhat lax guy in that I let ideas flow. But even though I can be a lax king, I'm still a king who knows how to hold his reign, if ya know what I mean. 2. Here's a simple one. No BS. I'll follow my own rule and summarize the above. I let ideas that don't damage the roleplay's environment fly, and if they do happen to cause issues or simply don't fit I'll shoot them down like the two-faced king I am. 3. This is a slightly faster paced roleplay, so do please make a little time out of your day just to check it, if not come up with a paragraph (it doesn't even have to go past small) one while you're looking. Do what you can - if you're getting a block and can't work past a little paragraph, keep things going and put up that little paragraph. 4. No bitching about other people's length unless I'm the one doing it, in which case I shall bitch politely. Work past one liners and get a paragraph up, realize this isn't the roleplay to write novellas. 5. Guild rules. Keep that sexy shit outta here. Swearing, well, *cough* 6. I look nice, but I bite like a mofo when people pull rule 2 stuff. So here's an excuse to use 2 rules on you instead of one if that happens. 7. Hate each other all you like IC. OOC, again, keep that shit outta here. 8. Adhere to the Micro-Unsaid-But-Applies-Anyway Codebook of Unsaid Codes 2016 ^ English: Use your brain when you do stuff, eh? Mistake is OK. Chronic mistake after I point it out 5 times not ok. [/hider] [hider=Mechanics] Standard roleplaying procedure, except I'll spare the ambiguity of the environment by posting environment screenshots for you. If you go into a new area, write until you get to that unexplored corner and say you turned the corner without mentioning seeing anything (because I haven't shown it to you yet). There's an element of exploration here I'm trying out. Feel free to explore IC; if you see a crate, go write about walking over there and pulling the cover off to see what's inside. Trapdoor? Have a peek. Want to go somewhere you don't have permission to go? I'm not my characters, it's not like there's a god rule saying you cannot move somewhere, just know there's consequences for every action :) [/hider] [hider=Accepted Players/Character List] [@rocketrobie2]'s Baldur the Great, [@Proxi]'s Raven, [@xChrome]'s Jameson, [@Achronum]'s Skylar, [@Oliver]'s Ivan, and [@Sombrero]'s Robart. [@ArenaSnow]'s presently nameless caravan master and the environment at large. [/hider] [hider=Story So Far] A guy posts and OOC and hopes people pop in. [/hider] [hider=uFAQ] [b](un)Frequently Asked Questions[/b] [s]because nobody actually asked questions yet[/s] [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Paragraph for description, personality and backstory would be nice. Doesn't have to be a massive paragraph given the section, naturally. [code] [img]Image url, if applicable - not a requirement. [center] tag is nice too.[/img] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] And/or apparent age (looks 20, is 60) [b]Description:[/b] Broad appearance, in conjunction with image or by itself. What clothing, what's the general figure, and anything that stands out. [b]Gender:[/b] I need this because of how badly I suck with genders. I give up on pronouns and use male unless explicitly otherwise is stated. [b]Personality:[/b] What should folks expect from him in interaction, and what do you hold yourself to when using this char? [b]Backstory:[/b] Don't think way too hard about this one, just a little on who ya got, how he got there and the like will do. [b]Skills[/b]: Just tacked this on, a short blurb on the things your character can do. [b]Extra:[/b] I'd like to start this up rather quickly, but if you want to stick more stuff in, feel free. [/code] [/hider] *sigh* I'm done. Poke me if I missed something. Oh, and yes, still accepting folks - but it'll be harder to get in given our progress. Post your CS and if it's acceptable I'll throw over a PM.