[quote=@TheHangedMan] Am I right to assume applications for this is closed? [/quote] [@Scio] Poked Scio to confirm, just in case. Before Ayemdar withdrew, we were at 20 characters (counting inactives). Still counting inactives, we're currently at 19 players (Vongola_Hasayo has been declared "out" by Scio (see below); Sodium, Ayemdar, and King Tai are no longer in the RP). [quote=@Scio] Since Vongola_Hasayo [edited to remove mention] hasn't been active in this RP for a while now and no replies to my PMs have been made despite still actively posting in other threads, I'm assuming he lost interest in the RP and is kinda out. [/quote] You should be good to go, Hanged, barring any new decisions Scio makes, of course. And, obviously, CS acceptance.