Okay I've just been back reading this thread and must say I love the passion here even if I don't agree with the post That said I do have one bone to pick that happens in RP from time to time and those are the "Shouting at Gods" type of players I know you've seen this type and in fact can likely name a few but perhaps you don't know what I mean by "Shouting at Gods' it's simple These are the players that become so wed to a Character and all it's detail that they spend post after post defending their concept of a character even after the GM has said it doesn't fit, is too powerful, not of a type allowed or any other reason isn't acceptable It's like arguing with the God of that reality because let's face it the GM is effectively the God or Goddess of that reality But rather than accept and adapt to the RP the SG gets into arguing/debating or even name calling in post after post. I have seen this type actually suck the life out of an RP an even experienced it in one of my own.