[h1][b][i][color=39b54a][center]Felix Hausten[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/04e4ee377a162567df4ec598c5494dd4/tumblr_inline_o8irfb3jTm1tae3h3_500.gif[/img][/center] [center]Location: Boston Heights [/center] He furrowed his brow as he looked Marc Tinder up and down, getting a better chance to assess him. It seemed like he was telling the truth, he seemed like an FBI agent. But he wasn't sure if he could be trusted as much as he did himself. It was becoming obvious that words idly spoken spread like wild fire here, trust wasn't something you could rely on apparently here. So Felix knew how to play this city, which meant even a government official couldn't be trusted. He'd be trustworthy to an extent if he wasn't already deep in this whole plot. But that just made the excitement roar even louder. What if he was involved? What if he was part of the whole "antagonist" party. What a great effect it'd have on the story, seeing from every side this whole mystery. He was getting too giddy just merely considering the outcome of him being in the presence of a mole. But what he said. Felix was tempted to take out his notepad and jot some notes, but he'd do that when he got home. He stored it in his mind for now. Lawson...an inside man. How fitting. [color=39b54a]"Well if my hunch is right...they have more than just two people in league doing all this murders and chaos spreading through such a delicate city!"[/color] He smirked and paced the room. [color=39b54a]"You have my word, until this is over, word doesn't get into my books, but from what I heard from the beat cops, they have already got their hooks in the police department. Now what on earth are you planning to investigate to actually find some results?"[/color] he clicked his tongue and watched Marc.