While I don't usually see myself getting involved in a more casual RP topics, and I generally only RP using my own project's setting, there's certain concepts behind what you've got going here that I actually find interesting. It'd be a shame not to see this play out. I've got close to no personal experience with choose-your-own-adventure books, but I know what they are and I understand the premise of them. What's really got me interested is the dynamic you seem to be looking for with this RP, since it'll allow me to play around with something I've wanted an excuse to do for a while now, and given that it seems like a very "no pressure to feel like you need to make it your priority RP, this is just some fun" thing, I really don't see any reason not to go for it if I have spare time. I sent you a PM not too long ago giving a little more information about what I've got in mind, just to make sure I've got the right idea of what you're looking for here. If I don't have too many things getting in the way, I'll post up my profile within the next day or so. Definitely unconventional for me to take part in an RP where that many things could end up going outside of my own control of my character (another reason I don't usually involve myself in Tabletop RPs; I don't believe luck plays as huge of a factor on your success or failure in combat as those games try to make you believe, though luck, or at the very least your circumstances, certainly play a role in success outside of battle; many intelligent and skilled people never succeed in the business world or even obtain a degree simply due to their circumstances), but since I wouldn't be using one of my story characters it likely won't feel too OOC for me, though I trust when things go awry it'll at least be in a way that makes sense for the character. Oh, and I'll do my best with holding back on the "wall of text" thing, since that's how I usually post. Two paragraphs won't be difficult at all, so all I need to do is make sure I don't go overboard. Anyway, I'm hoping to give confirmation in the next day or so if I'm planning to be in or not. I might post up a CS just to see what you think anyway, assuming I don't have something come up. P.S. Epic title is epic. Edit: Another one of those nights where I can't seem to switch off and fall asleep. Just a little update for you. I'm still working out whether or not I'll be able to do this, mostly because I won't know how much time I'll have on my hands til my net is back up sometime after the weekend. My only real concern with this RP so far is the possibility of other players writing reasons for success/failure that feel out of character for the character, or writing in failures just because they want to troll each other. This would've been less of an issue if the GM was the one responsible for all this, since it would emphasize a bit less bias, but it's still just a thought on my mind since I've noticed we all basically write each others' outcomes.