[center] [hr][hr] [h1][color=9e005d]Stehrr[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/25cf4f813636cca34507de417b225ede/tumblr_o3zk89BU681qjl1wro2_500.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] The Raven, Bridge/Cockpit [hr] Stehrr grumbled softly in acknowledgement that he had seen Sutton’s nod, sitting back from the controls as the landing gear deployed and the Raven glided down into the Anchorhead settlement. There was a brief moment of unsteadiness as they touched down, the ship rocking from side to side before it settled. The Wookiee slumped back in his chair, his small eyes flicking back towards Sutton as she asked Luke about possible Empire commanders, or troops, that could already be in the area. As predicted, they hadn’t seen any Imperial star destroyers on the way in...but that had been the plan, and that wasn’t to say they weren’t close by. Somebody had to stop the natives getting too restless, after all. [b][color=9e005d]”《Sutton’s probably right. Lots of Imp troopers, watching slaves and criminals, or Hutt bounty hunters looking for new slaves. Very dangerous. We must be careful.》”[/color][/b] he spoke cautiously, huffing out a heavy breath and getting to his feet. He turned to look expectantly at Luke, waiting for him to confirm their suspicions. [b][color=9e005d]“《We go now Luke, or still wait more?》”[/color][/b] [hr] [hr] [h1] [color=8493ca]Denali Keesda[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/2cec8a9b2e5c89c25c096c2cc41c7134/tumblr_n86t0aFu3N1rt9t65o6_250.gif[/img] [hr] [b]Location:[/b] The Raven, medbay[hr] The medic sighed, leaning back in his seat and letting his thoughts wander for a moment while the comm channel was quiet. Might as well enjoy the peace while it lasted, as soon as the others were planetside he’d have to be on high alert for any sign that they were in trouble. That hadn’t changed much, at least. He’d always been the sensible, level-headed one out of himself and his sister. Nali had lost count of the number of times Rhine had gone charging headlong into situations without thinking them through first...he noted with irony that he seemed to have a personal talent for attracting companions that were magnets to trouble. [/center]