[center][h1][color=00a651]Ethan Blackledge[/color][/h1][/center] Ethan's eyes shot open to see a mass of purple hair right in front of his face. For a moment he forgot where he was and what had happened. When he started to come around, he nestled his head into Violets hair and let out a sigh before getting out of bed and stretching. Ethan was still drowsy from the sleep and having no idea how long he was asleep for. He sat back down on the corner of the bed rubbing his face tiredly. After a short while he headed downstairs, deciding to leave Violet in bed to rest and recover from her injury. As Ethan got downstairs he seemed to be one of the last people to get up. Everyone was up and making food. Ethan shouted happily, [color=00a651]"Morning people... Or afternoon? I have no idea what the time is."[/color] He walked passed everyone in the kitchen and grabbed his bag which was in the corner and placed it on the table. [color=00a651]"I've got a few tins if anybody doesn't want eggs."[/color] Ethan said noticing that he could only see eggs being fried. [color=00a651]"I've got... tins of fruit. A few tins of spaghetti hoops and the rest are... Types of meat... Not exactly fine dining but better than nothing I guess."[/color] He carried on rustling through his rucksack and grabbed a bottle of half empty water and took a swig. He took out a thick book from the bag. [color=00a651]"Also I have a map and a compass. I have no idea how to use the compass, so it seems pointless me having it. Probably should have joined the scouts when I was younger, but I can't really change that now."[/color] Ethan chucked them on the table, the book was called 'Road Atlas USA'.