[quote]"Maybe the three of them are all in the same situation which is what is causing something like this to happen."[/quote] "That could be a very likely scenario," Lin agreed. "But unless we investigate, we can't prove anything." [quote]"If things start to go bad could someone knock out the light, it would help me a lot."[/quote] "Now look here... You might not be sighted, but the rest of us are. What are [i]we[/i] supposed to do to fight our enemies without any lights?" Lin frowned and crossed her arms sternly. Hez tugged her sleeve and 'told' her something in silence. "Hmm... That's not a bad idea, but only if you hide yourself really good, okay?" The girl nodded. Lin reported, "Hez just said she will illuminate our eyes with a spell, something akin to night vision. She's not a fighter at all, but she's really good with healing and light spells." [quote]"Hay, I don't see any pre-con food, like no pre-packaged stuff, its all fresh (if rotting) produce, like there's bread buns, lettuce, and all the stuff to make a burger, but no ketchup or brown sauce, also no jam." he observed.[/quote] "Geez, where are these people getting their calories from? The only good thing in here is that bottled water," Lin remarked sourly. Hez thought she heard something shuffling from far above and glanced upward. That's when Erebus pushed the bun over the side like a boulder and it clattered near the group, startling her enough to make her fall on her butt! "Whoa! Are you okay!?" Lin immediately rushed to Hez's side. She helped her get back up, but when Hez looked at the bun, she noticed that it was shifting on its own a little. Her eyes widened into saucers and she got goosebumps. Lin caught her partner's fear and glared at the bread just as a distorted arm broke through the moldy surface! That was precisely when the puffy hot dog on a plate wiggled and burst, allowing several rotting meat zombie-like creatures to emerge from the sausage. Different creatures emerged from the mold, and some formed into specters just from the horrid stench alone. "We're surrounded!! Someone kill the light!! NOW!!" Lin screamed as her body flashed blue, and her form shifted from a humanoid girl into a floating sentient sword embedded with sparkling blue gems. After transforming, Lin flew blade-first into the group of hot dog zombies and tore them apart with one swoop.