[@Shoryu Magami] Welcome! It is nice to see an advanced writer writer around here. I believe that you could really bring something to the game. The light hearted vibe of the game is kind of the basis of it all, which is why I've chosen to have the characters portrayed as stereotypes instead of actual, developed characters with goals, backstories and stuff like that. If things goes out of control it shouldn't happen to characters that we actually care about. This is Trine, not Skyrim after all. I see what you're saying about the trolling, and unfortunately there is very little to actually, practically do about that. We should all be familiar with the character that we're writing results for. We'll use a posting order, so it'll always be the same one. Both failure and success is supposed to bring the story forward, sometimes success isn't the most interesting thing that can happen. Sure, sometimes we'll fail for no reason at all, but sometimes we succeed with that one-in-a-million thing. If someone really goes into this and only writes failures all the time it won't just hurt that character or player, but the whole game, so that kind of behaviour will get both boring and obvious really fast and can be dealt with if there is a need. We're supposed to have fun here after all.