Packing light was the smartest thing Angela could've done. Fareeha was impressed. Her personal effects was the locket she wore around her neck, the G-Suit she wore, and the armor given to her. A blue that rivaled the sky. It contrasted against the sandy beige of the typical jumper armor. She had reservations at first but grew into it as of late. "The commissary may have extra fatigues. Can't promise that they have anything, but it's worth looking into," she said. She laughed at the comment about the Swiss forces coming in. "They'll adapt. War has a way of doing that. Our civilians never had a chance. The Omnics came in too quick. Too fast." Beckoning Angela to follow, the walk back to the area designated to 5th Company wasn't far. Freeha nodded to her people, familiar and unfamiliar faces nodding to her. Entering the small tent away from the others, Fareeha gestured at the spartan accommodations. A single desk, cot, and a chair. "Welcome home. I'd offer something, but I haven't had the time to go to the market," she said. Fareeha settled on the chair. She gestured to the cot. "Take a seat. Let's talk. I have to be formal around the jumpers."