Angela seated herself on the cot, very relieved to finally have a momemt to relax. She breathed a sigh as she relaxed, before looking to Fareeha to start their conversation. Time was somthing they didn't have a lot of, so even in moments like this one, she couldn't waste time. "Fiest things first, I want to say that I am sorry about your mother, Fareeha. I don't know everything, and I don't know why she did it, but I do know that she loved you with all of her heart... She wouldn't have left without a reason. But she hurt you, immensely. A wound of the heart is one that takes ages to heal, if it ever does. And... I know that you're in a lot of pain, especially now." Angela smiled slightly, clasping her hands on her lap. "You can't fool a medical expert, you know. When I look at you, I can see a strong and beautiful woman pushed beyond her limits. She's trained her body and mind to be at peak performance one-hundred percent of the time. But deep down this fighting is gnawing at her... no time to properly rest, soldiers, friends, dying at an alarming rate..." "Fareeha, in private times like this you must allow yourself not only to relax physically, but emotionally as well. Every leader stands tall in the eyes of those entrusted to them. But you are in no one's view but my own, and I know in my heart and soul that things just keep getting harder and harder." "I keep hearing whispers of a place called Tanta. It is spoken with fear and regret... something horrible happened there, correct? I know you do not want me to sit here and lecture you on emotions. But you know well that I am here help you, to listen to you, and to be here for you should you need me. I know that you have seen Hell and beyond, and this war isn't over... It's okay to be weak when your soldiers aren't looking. You're human, Fareeha."