[hider=Margo Scott][hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/9eyBgOv.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/kyJC8IM.jpg[/img] [img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/b93e99ed105806b656594c2a4df452f2/tumblr_inline_o7fmssrzTC1tae3h3_500.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/ef946cbc693e7cd5d54c71545774b4ed/tumblr_inline_o7fmspyrWi1tae3h3_500.gif[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/5h15ZxO.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCI27zi30nc&ab_channel=filippeoliveira]♪♪[/url][hr][hr] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IVhq87X.png[/img][/center] [color=4d4dff][b]N A M E:[/b][/color] [indent]Margaret 'Margo' Solart-Scott, now Scott.[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]N I C K N A M E:[/b][/color] [indent]Margo is essentially her only name at this point, but she's always open to some pet names.[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]G E N D E R:[/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]A G E:[/b][/color] [indent]October 10th 1998[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]B L O O D S T A T U S:[/b][/color] [indent]Half-Blood (Mother was a muggle)[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/dhN0dyw.png[/img] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/0ae51baaec2cf691e5f5487859d5a888/tumblr_inline_o7fmu8WoR01tae3h3_500.gif[/img][/center] [indent]The first thing someone notices about Margo is always different. Whether it be her plethora of tattoos, striking blonde hair and green eyes, or just her generally positive attitude. Margo is a rather tall girl standing around five feet and eight inches. She has a slender frame that does have some muscle tone, but not much. Margo's most notable tattoos are on her back and her arms. On her back she has a very large picture frame. It frames the middle of her back and covers the back of shoulders and is easily visible in clothing that leaves less to the imagination. She was taught by her mother, a photographer at the time that anything someone framed was something they loved. If they wanted to really go out and actually frame something, there was an important reason for it. So she decided to get a frame on her back, this was done when Margo was only fifteen years old, though she had convinced the parlor she was eighteen. Margo has a distinctive voice, it's rather calming although it is energetic. She has a tendency to play with her hair and is often seen having solo dance parties until someone joins up with her. She tends to wear mainly tank tops and jeans, though she is sometime seen wearing a scarf and leather coat should the weather really call for it. However, if she can bear it she'd rather just wear a tank top. That being said she isn't exactly a stranger to to a solid flannel shirt that is a few sizes too big or even just a big old comfy sweater. Can never really go wrong there, but her most common outfit is the standard tanktop-jean combo. Margo has been known to be very prone to bad posture. From setting her feet up on the dining tables, to taking huge bites of food at dinner, elbows on the table, slouching - the whole nine yards. She has somewhat bad manners for someone so polite. Margo's accent is a Rhotic Lousianan a southern accent that leans on words and still pronounces the R's at the end of words.[/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/CyJ7rRl.png[/img] [img]http://www.lovethispic.com/uploaded_images/28039-Alysha-Nett.jpg[/img][/center] [color=4d4dff][b]H O U S E:[/b][/color] [indent]Tituba.[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]Y E A R:[/b][/color] [indent]7[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]E L E C T I V E S:[/b][/color] [indent]Divination, Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]B E S T C L A S S:[/b][/color] [indent]Defense Against the Dark Arts[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]W O R S T C L A S S:[/b][/color] [indent]Potions[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]C L U B S:[/b][/color] [indent]Quidditch – Tituba Team Seeker/Captain Divination Club [/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yDlnvFJ.png[/img] [img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/0a99a1f4724325ceb59f379f4a1db6cc/tumblr_mmbyewlHgS1r1rcj9o1_400.gif[/img][/center] [color=4d4dff][b]W A N D:[/b][/color] [indent] An Ash wand standing at eight inches total, very rigid with a Phoenix Feather core. [sub]A wand almost as stubborn as she is. Small and dimnuitive holding back from what she is afraid could be great power or nothing short of completely average. The wand was picky at first, this line of thinking did not suit a wand that had potential to be so much more. But perhaps the wand realized that perhapsthe girl was the same way. Perhaps this girl also had great potential. It was hard to tell. The wand was intrigued by Margo.[/sub][/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]P A T R O N U S:[/b][/color] [indent]A Black Bear [sub]Highly defensive of her cubs, the mother bear will viciously attack those that threaten her own. The same and more could be said about Margo, she is ruthless when it comes to those she loves.[/sub][/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]B O G G A R T:[/b][/color] [indent]Margo's biggest fear is what she could become. Her boggart can take a few different appearances depending on how she's feeling but it is always a very similar pattern. It has been her at an office desk, all of her tattoos laser-removed and her piercings taken out. She works with a picture of herself, alone, on a vacation to Florida at her desk. It horrifies Margo that she could eventually turn out to be nothing at all. The other form her boggart takes is somewhat more sinister, a form of Margo that has fallen to dark magic. Typically making serious threats about her friends and other loved ones. Though currently, she doesn't have to worry too much about that - she doesn't really have any friends going into seventh year. [/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]F A M I L I A R:[/b][/color] [indent][center][img]http://24.media.tumblr.com/1a70c01b5caa0360b61f39f87bff9a2e/tumblr_mrdvv5QBb81stm2blo1_500.gif[/img][/center][/indent] [indent] [indent]Margo recently came to care for a small Siberian Husky pup named Chinook. Sometimes she calls him Nookie, only she thinks it's all that funny though. She found him at a shelter and couldn't resist. Despite his size and inherent curiousity he has been great at following orders and since he's still small she's easily able to carry him in a coat pocket and a hood if need be. Though that won't continue for very long, obviously. [/indent][/indent] [hr][hr][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/MuPpGRn.png[/img] [img]http://s3.favim.com/610/42/Favim.com-blonde-fashion-leather-361588.jpg[/img][/center] [color=4d4dff][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/b][/color] [indent] Margo hates looking like she's trying really hard. Nothing scares her more than being seen for who she is, which is to say, scared and genuinely concerned about whether or not she is liked, thought about or spoken of. The worst thing Margo constantly battles with is that in her pursuit of being interesting she has failed and made herself nothing but a drab splash of paint on a cracked and crooked canvas. Sure, it'll catch your eye as you walk by, but you'll write it off within the first few seconds of seeing it. Margo has been drawn to people with big personalities for friendships, she has found that they are always looking for a good time and she can easily coast off the vibes they create. However she has taken up more than a few bad habits due to the stress of her Salem tour ending so soon. She smokes nearly a pack every two days at this point and is constantly biting her nails, glancing sideways at people, and starting conversations that have no depth in an attempt to connect with people. She doesn't let herself see her own patterns, convincing herself that she is simply a true and true Tituba. Loyal, sure, but wayward. Lost, not belonging to anyone else really. The sorting candle turned blue after a moment of trepadation, and it seemed as though it saw right through Margo's facade. Not that she let anyone else in on that little fact. She has many things she'd love to say and do, but she honestly just doesn't know how. While she felt really put out for being chosen as Tituba, as a seventh year in the house, she has an incredibly welcoming vibe about her for new students and simply younger ones. She even started a cheer when a student gets sorted to Tituba in which everyone stomps their feet to a certain beat. It is not uncommon to feel lost once you enter Tituba, Margo makes sure she finds you - however. She does her damndest to try and make sure that anyone sorted into the house is well looked after her, even if it puts Margo herself out. [/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S:[/b][/color] [indent]Margo is known to be gay, but she hasn't really found anyone yet. All the girls she had met so far had been from other houses and had been... In a nice way, not her type. In a slightly ruder way, somewhat boring? Margo is looking for a little adventure in life and certainly isn't one to settle as far as romance goes. Even if she is more inexperienced than she'd like going around. (That is to say, she'd be on her third girlfriend - if she could find one).[/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]L I K E S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Reading books to younger children. She has a good voice for it, though sometimes she struggles with mean voices. [*] Nookie. The dog! He's a puppy and she pours time and attention into his adorable lil' paws. [*] Her body as it currently stands. Her tattoos are especially important to her. [*] Quidditch, nothing like showing up some smarmy Warren boys by being quick and being good with your hands. [*] Warm foods and drinks, stew is his favourite along with coffee which he orders Double-double. [*] D a n c e P a r t i e s [*] Swing music, for the aforementioned, but also because she's a huge Paul Anka fan. Lonely Boy is indeed her shit. Just don't tell anyone. Ever.[/list][/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]D I S L I K E S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Horror movies, could be bearable with a cuddle buddy, but she doesn't have anyone. So fuck that shit. [*] Birds. Swooping is awful. She doesn't like the idea of being pooped on thank you. [*] Orphanages. Not because of the work they do, just the over all atmosphere is relatively... She doesn't like it. [*] Straight girls. No offense meant to them, but nothing is worse than hitting it off with someone you find out is looking for a Joe Bro. [*] Coffee, how do you drink this devil's drink? [*] Lectures, both the 'You fucked up' kind and the 'In 1924 Jesus said unto Lincoln' kind. Both awful. [*] Planes. Humans were not meant to move at that speed at that altitude. I mean magic is one thing but [i]Jesus[/i].[/list][/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]H O B B I E S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] D a n c e P a r t i e s [*] Drinking [*] Watching the Stars [*] [s]Hanging out with her friends[/s] Trying to help out new students.[/list][/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]F E A R S:[/b][/color] [indent][list][*] Normalcy [*] Bertrayal [*] Dark Artes[/list][/indent] [color=4d4dff][b]B A C K G R O U N D:[/b][/color] [indent] Margo was put up for adoption. This should make it fairly clear where her priorities were as a young girl. Which is to say, that as soon as she could spell 'fuck the system' she was looking for her birth parents. She must've made her foster parents really upset, at the time she thought they were nothing but crocodile's tears. They just wanted their little slave to stick around and they'd do anything to have that happen. Of course not, they loved her and she betrayed the trust they gave her. That was on her. But at the age of ten she actually did find her mother. It wasn't easy though, and it wasn't what she had wanted. See, there was a story she had found in the paper. A man had done something spectacular, some kind of heist, he was surrounded by the police one second and then another he was gone. This was reported to have taken place inside the big apple. So she made her way to Queens and started asking the serious questions. Most people laughed at her, I mean, she was ten. It wasn't until she heard a news story she was ready to pack it in. The man was caught, killed. It was time to pack it in. But a woman seemed shocked, she was breathing heavily, and she collapsed. Margo (Margaret Solart at the time, ((I know gross))) got help for her and made sure she was okay at the hospital. The woman was blown away, I mean this, again, was a ten year old girl. She asked her for her name. Margo gave it to her. That was her mother. It took a while (two more years) for her mother to actually fess up and admit that she had belonged to her. But it was worth it when she finally got to go live with her birth mother. What wasn't great about the situation was finding out that the man on the news was her father. He was a practioner of the dark artes, using magic to steal things of great value from the muggle world. Later that year she told her mother her status as a witch and began attending Salem. Her mother was concerned, of course, but ultimately trusting. Which was nice of her. Margo still worries to this day, however. What swayed her father? What possessed him to turn to the dark artes for power. She would perhaps find out one day, it was not something Margo looked forward to. In fact, it was her greatest fear and her largest drive. Her time at Salem has been... Troubling, she has been stressed by her placement in Tituba and her inability to make friends - for whatever reason. She has taken up smoking, picking at her nails and skin and has overall gained a much more destructive personality. Along with losing quite a bit of her appetite. Still, she is more than convinced she can turn it around in her final year. She's hopeful, but that scares her almost as much as already having been rejected by so many does.[/indent] [hr][hr][/hider] [hider=Margo Scott's Relationship Sheet] [center][color=4d4dff][h1]Margo Scott[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/CRo5KYBM35sKA/giphy.gif[/img] [img]http://31.media.tumblr.com/a592d427f14ec36c5aed427ff32683d3/tumblr_mm3d2boF6v1sn6rkro1_500.gif[/img] [hr][hr] “Today we’re going to ask you some opinions on your fellow classmates here at Salem. Some you may know fairly well. Some you may not. Just tell us about them, what you mean to them and vice versa.” [color=4d4dff]“Yeah okay, I guess that’s fine. I’ve been working with some of the other kids in Tituba for finding positive things about yourself and others. So I guess this is a good exercise for me.”[/color] [/center] [hider=Bishop][h3][sup][color=crimson]JULIET LOWELL[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Oh Juliet! She’s really sweet, she has this really great sense of morality and it shines through with everything she does. But you know she’s just so shy, I hope the rest of Bishop doesn’t eat her alive. I’m sure she’s fine, honestly, she’s in her seventh year so I’m sure she’s fine. Still if she ever needed a shoulder to lean on I’m sure I could help her out. We’re not in any of the same clubs – but still. She’s a beautiful girl really, hopefully she gets some legs of her own so she can stand up and be an example for a whole generation of Bishop’s to come."[/i] [h3][sup][color=cc6d97]ARMIN FROST[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"I have divination with Armin, this is an easy one. He’s a handsome man, also in Bishop in his seventh year this year. He’s president of the dueling club and is also really great with defense against the dark arts! He’s seriously talented, but it happens where sometimes he just doesn’t have the motiviation to attend or participate and honestly it’s hard to disagree. We all have days where we just want to sit at home and do nothing, well in the dorm room anyway. That’s how I feel a fair amount of the time. So yeah I mean I think I get why some people call Armin lazy, but then I’d call them lazy too. For not being able to look underneath a skin deep issue and see what he’s really like I guess."[/i] [h3][sup][color=B33EE5]KATERINA CARROLL[/color][/sup][/h3][i]”One of the younger Bishop’s, huh? Well I think Kat is pretty amazing when you consider how worldly she already seems. I haven’t spoken with her all that much just yet but gosh, she’s really intelligent. She’s also really kind, she just needs some encouragement. I mean I can understand that much. She’s definitely a good indicator of Bishop continuing on it’s hot streak of great house members because when you look at her and some of the other sixth and even fifth year students all you see is a fantastic group of people. She needs to learn how to stand up for herself, I’ve seen her stand up for others but it looks like no one has done so for her recently. If I see a situation headed south I’ll stop it, definitely."[/i] [h3][sup][color=556B2F]EBONY JONES[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Well I knew this was going to happen, I’ve heard she isn’t into Quidditch. But I mean, who can blame her really? It’s kind of dangerous and honestly really difficult to get a good understanding of, I’ve been practicing playing seeker for years and only just got a handle on it last year. So I mean if I had to drop all my knowledge again and then try to pick the sport back up I’d side with Ebony, but since I’ve already learned it I stick with it. Still, she’s got confidence and she’s somewhat opinionated which is great! She can really help out Kat, who obviously has a hard time with her confidence in herself. I think Bishop has a great support network, as long as they have someone who is willing to coordinate everyone with helping each other to be the best they can be!"[/i] [h3][sup][color=7BCDC8]ELEANORA FOXLEY[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Yup I know her pretty well! You have to know your rival seekers, and she’s one of the four this year. She’s got a great eye which is dangerous and she’s fearless on that broom. Honestly, it can be intimidating when you see a girl like Elle reaching around, even hanging upside down to grab that snitch. For being a year younger than me, she really gives me a run for it. But I mean outside of the pitch she’s the same really. She carries herself like she has a plan for what she’s going to do and where she’s going for the next 24 hours, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Elle doubt herself, which is great. She’s also really bringing the Bishop average up – she could rival Warren with those kinds of marks."[/i] [/hider] [hider=Warren][h3][sup][color=#3A4F8A]CLARA WILLIAMS[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Yeah, I saw her smile once and honestly, wow. She’s elegant and she’s intelligent definitely the definition of Warren, I get why you picked her first. Some people say that she isn’t easy to get along with, and I guess technically speaking she isn’t easy to get along with. But then I don’t think anyone is really [i]easy[/i]. I think if you want to build a relationship with someone it takes real effort and commitment. Maybe that’s just me. But I personally believe she’s an honour to her house, and she’s on top of nearly everything. It’s really something to see, you can also assume if a question was asked she has the answer and has already raised her hand. She’s seriously a force of nature as far as classes go. I wish I had that kind of talent for working hard. I just can’t seem to be quite as good in that kind of way."[/i] [h3][sup][color=lightpink]NAOMA FROST[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Naoma is a beautiful girl who gets all the more worrying the more you look at her. I mean, nothing takes away from her beauty, but there’s signs I recognize from bad situations. Red knuckles, bags under her eyes, some scars. It worries me a little. If I thought she needed the help I’d contact the staff at the school, but she’s never without a friend it feels like. So I suppose she’s in good hands as far as that kind of thing goes. She’s one of those people who, when I get to class, I make sure she managed to find her way there. I have more than a few classes with her, so y’know. It’s just as easy as glancing around the room. I don’t know why I do it, I just wouldn’t want anything to happen to someone when I could’ve said or done something to help the situation. Besdies that she’s literally the talk of the town. There’s never a shortage of fifth and sixth year boys marveling at her. Can’t say I blame them. She consistently looks like she got off the runway and showed up at class."[/i] [h3][sup][color=deepskyblue]GATSBY FITZGERALD[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Gatsby has a lot of characteristics of someone from Tituba. I can see it in his eyes, he’s a loyal guy and he seems to be nice when he wants to be. – even if he does pull quite a few pranks. But all around he’s just a good guy... When he wants to be. He’s always putting on this kind of show, even in Quidditch he plays beater and I’ve taken a bludger from him and he really lays into that thing. Put me in the clinic once, it sucked. But I mean, nothing so crazy that he’d ever actually get spoken to about it. I just worry, aggression is never sourceless and I hope he’s doing okay. A lot of Warren seems like this – I guess the candle does know best. Because, they all seem to have these issues they’re covering up."[/i] [h3][sup][color=5f9e71]LOUISE LANGBROEK[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"No I know, Warren’s team is stacked this year. Louise is a chaser for the Warren Quidditch team and she’s just the definition of tall dark and beautiful. She’s got this smoky eye thing that is always working and I’m so jealous. Sorry, small outbursts. She’s gotta be nearly six feet tall and she just works it. I remember once I was having lunch with Wes when I pointed her out. That was dumb, but I mean come on, the girl is beautiful. That’s not even it though, she’s intelligent, a force of nature on the team, she’s even in the choir. Get this, she’s only in sixth year too. Yeah I know – every once in a while you get someone who is just insane. I think Louise is that golden child, once in a generation. I should be so lucky to have known her really!"[/i] [h3][sup][color=6F9C84]LANG MONYETHABENG[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Lang is so weird. I know we’re supposed to keep this as positive as possible but honestly I just don’t get him. So the first time we met he was all cocky about how I was in Tituba and I smacked him. [i]I know.[/i] But he was talking shit. So anyway, he comes up to me a week later and he apologized. So that was normal enough I guess, but I figured he’d just be kind of apologizing to get it off his chest, he thought he hurt my feelings or something along those lines. But then another asshole comes up saying that same shit and he steps in. Grabs the kid by his collar and explains why Tituba is not only a legitimate house but starts going into the history of our house. It was really weird. I asked around and history is his worst subject. When did he get the time to look up the history of Tituba, while maintaining Warren grades and being captain of Warren’s team. What the hell? He’s also in sixth year, even though he looks 30. So I don’t even know where to go with him."[/i][/hider] [hider=Tituba][h3][sup][color=mediumorchid]AVERY BARNES[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Bout time we got to the best house, and we’re starting strong too. Tituba is certainly one of, arguably the strongest house at Salem so I’m pretty happy we’re getting to talk about it. Avery is an absolutely stunning girl, she has this beautiful brown hair that just perfectly curls itself around his face, shoulders and neck in a way I could only dream of. She’s also got these [i]piercing[/i] eyes. Why am I talking about her appearance so much? S-sorry, I just got… Caught up in that she can definitely look. [i]Ahem[/i]. Avery and I share a lot of classes, Arthimancy and Divination. Honestly I’m glad you started with Avery because I always here people ask how did she get into Tituba. The answer is always this same fucking awful punchline ‘the candle had no other option.’ She at the very least doesn’t question someone’s fate and how they got into the house their in, gives a legitimate damn about the newcomers to those house and really puts a damn effort into Arthimancy, she got an O! Sorry, I just won’t stand for people talking down on one of my girls.”[/i] [h3][sup][color=A62D39]WESLEY GRAY[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Wesley huh? Well… Where do I start? She’s incredibly easy to compliment. She’s modest to a fault failing to see almost any of her beauty that everyone else can see as plain as day. A lot of people think she’s kind of this rebel, this kind of skank or whatever. I guess because of the Lake Blue incident or something like that. Anyway she’s actually really artistic, not that many would know that. They don’t really take the time to get to know her, just judge, judge, judge. She actually noticed my tattoos and started speaking to me the first time we met. It was nice, just talking about what they meant that kind of thing… She definitely has a temper though. There’s something in Wes that boils like anything I’ve ever seen. But you know what? She’s a goddam loyal person. She’s stood up for me more times than I can count and she taught me that being in Tituba meant more than being an outcast. It was more than just being the sum of your weaknesses. It was about turning those weaknesses into strengths and creating new ones with the rest of your house. That’s why there’s so many of us and why we’re all so varied. If I had to say one thing negative about Wes? Uhm.. [i]sigh[/i]. I guess, she used to see a lot of the Tituba Quidditch games, but I think she’s been cheering for Warren recently. That’s the only thing I could really think of, but I don’t hold it against her. Their team is beautiful."[/i][/hider] [hider=Good][h3][sup][color=9CFF84]SELA DASHWOOD[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Already done with Tituba? I do not talk too much! Whatever. Yeah Sela is wonderful I think of her kind of as an example of what a member of Good should aspire to act like. She’s driven, smart and she’s got a really sharp tongue. Seriously you should see her in debates during class. But she’s also really considerate, even when someone gets pretty personal in one of those debates she shrugs it off and continues with her point. Which is typically well educated and researched too, she’s pretty smart. It’s intense watching her sometimes, she’s one of those people – kind of like Louise whose just on another level. Other than that I don’t know her all too well though."[/i] [h3][sup][color=7f6b00]DORADO ITURBIDE[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Dor is many things. A lot of younger students have called him out for thinking he’s better than them – but while he is often self-righteous and a little demeaning towards some muggles. I think it’s more deep-seated than that. I’ve seen the way he treats women too and don’t get me wrong I know that it isn’t ideal. But I don’t believe it comes from a particularly malicious place and often I see him attempting make an effort to be more accepting. I think he’s just sorely in need of guidance. But it would be in my honest opinion wise to avoid him until he gets that kind of advice. That’s just me though, and I’m gay! So don’t take my word too much I suppose. Just keep your head up and make sure you know how much you’re worth – because it’s a lot."[/i] [h3][sup][color=F26522]ALICIA STOCKWOOD[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Another Good, through and through. She’s got talent to spare and watching her do almost anything you’ll wish she did spare some honestly. I know I do sometimes. She reminds me a little of me though, she’s a chase for the Good Quidditch team and if I’m the so called ‘Tituban mama Bear’ than she’s a god damn tiger on that pitch. She’s a little scary and the claws definitely come out, I once saw her position herself so that when a beater through the bludger her way she could evade it and make him hit his own teammate. That kind of positioning and awareness could seriously take her into professional sports if she wanted to. That being said, I honestly believe that her drive to do so well comes from a dark place. It’s the look in her eyes when she’s doing a test, or playing a game of Quidditch. She will not let herself lose and if she does (we have beaten Good before mind you) ((more than once ;D)) she looks really devastated. She’s a beautiful girl with a lot of potential I just hope she has the support necessary to stay steady enough to reach it."[/i] [h3][sup][color=CFB2B0]ALVY PROCTOR[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"Another seeker, Alvy is great competition because I feel like it’s actually fun playing against him. He puts everything out there and on the line and if he wins he’s pretty graceful. But if he loses… He’s just as graceful which is honestly refreshing. He’s definitely got this casual attitude about him that makes it really easy to go up against him and see if you’ve improved much. He’s actually the captain as well for Good so he’s pretty well known. I think most of the time he’s a nice guy, never short on jokes or anything like that. But still, like many of the students at Salem – I worry. He seems like he was ripped out of the Breakfast Club, all jokes because if he stops joking than he has to be serious about what he’s experienced. I don’t know if that’s true, in all honesty I barely know him – really. But I just feel that there’s something dark in there that he really doesn’t want to share. That’s why he’s so accepting of everything...."[/i] [h3][sup][color=lightcoral]ELIZABETH WARREN[/color][/sup][/h3][i]"A fifth year Good. Well I mean I’m two years ahead so honestly I haven’t heard all that much, but she is in Arthmancy and Divination! So I have a few classes with her through that. But honestly there’s not much I can tell you that you wouldn’t assume from her house. She’s smart, she’s quiet and when she’s asked a question she has an answer. So I mean when it comes down to it, she’s ready to keep progressing at her time with Salem. What I’d be interested to find out from her would be who she looks up to in her house. With such a challenging house to be in, I can’t imagine the pressure on the younger students. Maybe I’ll check in on her, make sure she’s doing alright. I would hate for her to look at the current generation and feel daunted. She shouldn’t I’m sure she’s just waiting to show how much talent she has!."[/i][/hider] [hider=One More][h3][sup][color=4d4dff]Margo Scott[/color][/sup][/h3][i]”Haha, yeah right. Oh seriously? What you just want me to reflect on how Salem has changed me and all that? Well. Okay, uh. When I came to Salem I was scared honestly. I think most of us are, but getting put into Tituba had me mortified. I thought I just wasn’t good enough for the other houses. But meeting people like Wes, Avery, even Lang that damn meathead. They taught me the values that our house has. I think I’ve become more independent and I’m proud of the way I help people in Tituba. I guess… I just don’t feel ready to leave yet. So I guess that’s where I’m at right now. Not sure I want to leave, not sure where I want to go, who I am, who I want to be, where to go, what to do, who to go with, when I should come back, if I should come back. It’s a lot right now. So I think this is my last one. Okay? Great,”[/i][/hider][/hider]