[@13org] Fix up your appearance. Eye color, actual hieght in measurement (There is a reason for this), It's what we see. Equipment, add in what you have on you. What we see and what we don't. Detail, detail detail! Also, Bio. Summarize! Don't write the story (Though I do like it. Toss it in a hider). And Spell check. Now for the problems. What type of elf are you? Silvian, Nandor? Note that in your race. Also Age. Note that you were born shortly before the third age and the war that Isildur was slain in. So did your parents die in it? What's the organization/group you made? Why is it not in the books? I'll be honest, your parents and even yourself would have been helping with that war. I like the idea, but rather than being born to it. Could the war against Sauron have turned Agarwaen to this mission? Now the armor is alright, just typical Mirkwood armor. The claws, No. I like the idea, but they will simply LOOK that way, they will have no power, no real danger other than what any other gauntlet can do. That's the limitation. As for the bow, Giant bow that slays dragons. A normal long bow, perhaps reinforced, with strong bolts can do that. The bow is a no. Perhaps having claimed a strong reinforced bow? Or special bolts? Also, you're a elf. As a elf of your years, are you skilled in sword? Spear? Shield? Where do you originally hail from? Where were you during the last war of the second era? What were you doing the rest of the time? Fix it up and reapply, I do like the character! [@Pirouette][@josephb] Get character sheets. I may expand to 6 if I hear back from dwjonez.