Lucia noticed his discomfort as she invaded his space, she figured turnabout was fair play. She had been edgy all day thanks to him. She was going to have to get over it, and in a hurry. The two of them were going to be, for all intents and purposes, living together for at least the next week. She smirked as he finally agreed on Lu. It would work for her. She just refused to deal with Ms. Baker anymore. She bit her bottom lip and tried to control the shiver as his hand slid up her arm. She swallowed roughly and had to clear her throat. "Sure. I will be right back." She said as she picked up her skirt to make sure she didn't trip and practically fled to the dressing room. She leaned against the door for what she thought was just a moment, but must have been long enough to be noticed because one of the sales ladies knocked gently and asked if she needed any help. "Oh.. No just a minute." She said as she quickly stripped down. She left the dressing room once the flush had faded from her cheeks. This had been an interesting experience on many levels. She waited fairly patiently as everything was finished up. ----------- Lucia slid into the SUV, but before she buckled her seat belt she dug around in her bag for her cell phone. She needed to text her neighbor and have him do some grocery shopping for the two of them. She slid the buckle together with a soft click and turned her attention to her phone. She was texting when she started to speak softly. “You’re wrong you know.” She said glancing up from her phone quickly. “About me not being scared I mean.” She continued to text and talk as she did so. “For you this is just another party, for someone like me, this is a major event.” She asked her neighbor to go grocery shopping, and to see if she could borrow the nice air mattress his Mother In Law had purchased for her visits. “You were born into this world. You may take on what is often considered a servant position, but you were born to this.” There were several things that told her this, it wasn’t just one thing, it was a lot. And when you grew up on the wrong side of town, you learned which kids were the rich ones because they could do what ever the hell they wanted, and there was nothing you could do about it. Not that she and her mother were ever destitute, but for a good portion of her life, there was always more month than money. “Do you know you don’t use contractions when you speak?” She asked. “Almost everyone does. Not using them is usually a sign of finishing school of some sort.” She couldn’t even be entirely sure where she picked up that little tid bit of information, but it did tend to prove true. She hit send on her text and set her phone down in her lap. “My point is, this is your world, not mine, and the crossing of the two scares the crap out of me.” She shrugged a little. It wasn’t just this one thing, it was that there was a chance that there might be a lot more of these things in her future depending on how everything went. She was a worrier, and she was worried. She sat silent for a minute and picked up her phone toying with it nervously. “This has to be without a doubt the weirdest damn day of my life.” She said. There was no sign of her earlier break down, just a statement of fact. She was feeling slightly disconnected, as if this were happening to someone else. If someone had asked her what her life felt like in this moment, she would honestly tell them she felt like she was watching this entire thing unfold like she was a passenger in her own skin. She slid her finger across the screen of her phone and opened her text app again. She might as well start adapting to her new normal. [color=92278f]“Hope the press conference went well, completely missed it as Serge and I just finished shopping. Apparently Election night festivities are in my future LOL was totally planning on Netflix and pizza in sweat pants.”[/color] She texted to Erik. She had to get used to this sometime, and since this whole day had been throwing the baby in the river to see if she could swim, she might as well add some weights to her ankles. [color=92278f]“Anyway, working all night until morning, but considering taking one of mom’s “Mental Health Days” tomorrow so should be home all day and next. Good Luck this week!”[/color] She was trying. It was very awkward, and felt forced, but she was trying. “On the topic of weird… You know Erik better than I do. In your opinion, what the hell do I do? What does he ultimately want?”