Fareeha watched as Angela took her spot on the cot. It amused her to think what Angela's accommodations back in Switzerland looked like. Surely nothing so simple. So hard. Fareeha remembered her simple twin mattress back at her apartment she returned on leave. She missed it dearly. Having the conversation starter be about her mom made Fareeha frown. She listened though she didn't want to linger long on this subject. "You don't need to apologize on her behalf. Whether she loved me or not, I don't really know. I don't really care about much these days," she said. The spiel about the war wasn't anything new to her either. Didn't mean it was easy to practice what Angela suggested. "In war, Angela, there's no time to stop. I don't mean to offend, but only one who isn't under the pressure of war every day can say something so ... peaceful. This respite we've earned? This is but a rare occurrence. Largely in part to you joining my company. I don't see R&R happening again any time soon." Talking, remembering, about the Massacre at Tanta made Fareeha's heart elevate in cadence. She felt uncomfortable, angry that Angela should bring it up. Angela was only being a doctor, a friend. Fareeha knew that. However, she hadn't seen the doctor in a long time. They weren't friends. They were acquaintances under extraordinary circumstances. If not for Overwatch, Angela's familiarity with her mom, Fareeha had little doubt in Angela finding her way to the desert lands. "Tanta was a ... breaking point for many. It isn't something I feel comfortable in sharing," she said. She regretted the hard tone she took with Angela. "I appreciate what you're trying to do. I do. But it's not necessary. In this war, where the enemy doesn't stop? This was ill-affords all except the will for total victory. This enemy doesn't feel. Doesn't stop. We can't either. Do you understand?"