Riza raised a brow in confusion. "What? I cant spend time with you? I mean, yeah i maybe a little upset but you got reasons for what your doing and im flattered that that some of that reason is me but think about this a moment. You know how long its been since i got to hang out with you? Or at least anyone? Mainly you cause i said so." muttering that last part but loud enough for her to hear on purpose. "In this time of which we have left and after that i want to hang out with you. Your my friend and friends hang out and do whatever friends do. Do not make me drag you off that bedbecause really dont think i can physically do that eithout hirting something within my weakly body so suck it up and lets go." Riza explained with exasperation, sass, and a little bit of drama and seriousness. She meant every word too.