[quote=@Shoryu Magami] I'm pretty much just reposting what I put in my bio to emphasize my attitude towards this; "if you want to slowly kill yourself, at least don't take other people with you with the second-hand smoke". Too harsh? I don't give a damn. Seriously, this really pisses me off to know end too. I'm rather sensitive to cigarette smoke myself (it's one of several things that can trigger my migraines) and I've spent most of my life surrounded by people who were doing it, so it goes without saying now that I'm out on my own that my place is a 100% smoking free zone, since even if they don't do it in front of me it'll still blow the smoke around the place. If someone wants to smoke, they can take it away from me. Doing it around me is disrespectful and I won't put up with that. [/quote] Kind of begs the question, why do they even need to smoke around you? Are they so stressed out that they can't even handle VISITING YOU?