Since everyone is doing it these days. [hider= Kithamon Curc-I] NAME: Kithamon Curc-I HOMEWORLD: Kithamon was born on a small frontier settlement deep in the jungles of the renowned death world Catachan. AGE: 42 GENDER: Male APPEARANCE: Standing almost like a small giant among men, Kithamon is roughly 6’8 feet and weighing upwards of 265 lbs Kithamon is exceptionally tall with broad shoulders and seemingly made up mostly of muscle, which has given him the nickname of Little Og. Kithamon is dark of skin with a caramel complexion with dark brown eyes and black hair. He is shaven bald in military style cut and maintains a long stubble. He has hard faced features that give him an intimidating air and a strong jawline that gives him a rugged though almost handsome face. Or it would be if not for his constant serious unsmiling demeanor and the fact he sports a disfiguring scar across his face that starts at the right side of his mouth and runs across his cheek his ends several inches from his left eye at an angle. ROLE: Shocktrooper UNIFORM: Kithamon's uniform is, of course, standard attire aside from a few key points. The left shoulder pad of his carapace armor is reinforced and elongated like a teardrop on its side in such a fashion that it protects the left side of his face. A red bandanna is always worn around his right bicep that blends in well his his black uniform. Along with this there are several runic symbols carved into a few of his armor, which includes three daggers over his left chest plate. When not in uniform he often wears a sleeveless shirt with cargo style pants. EXPERTISE: Kithamon's relatively short time on his dangerous homeworld exposed him to necessary survival skills such as trap building and even working with simple and primitive explosive. These skills were further expanded upon during his time in the Schola Progenium, making him a skilled explosives specialists. This has and Kithamon skilled in the creation and most importantly the disarming of numerous explosive devices. In his free time Kithamon makes use of his adept dexterity with his hands to build and repair a number of clocks and watches. His role on the team is that of heavy weapons/explosive ordnance specialist. EQUIPMENT: Please list your character's gear here and please do so in the following format. Feel free to customize your gear with attachments and cosmetic personalizations, but remember that the base paint job of any piece of equipment and weaponry is black. We're a grim sort. - Primary weapon: Echon Pattern Mark III Heavy Assault Stubber (equipped with a Spotting Scope) - Secondary weapon: Handcannon pattern Fykos Forge “Flametongue” Howdah - Melee weapon: Thunder Maul, unique in its head is shaped much like a hammer. The extra size needed to contain an overcharged disruption field. - Tertiary equipment: Breaching Charges, Medi-pack, Signum, Ammo box - Mementos: He wears a talisman around his neck that tied to the tooth of his first kill when he still lived on Catachan. BIOGRAPHY: Born on a small settlement in the hearts of the dangerous jungles of Catachan. Like all children growing up on the death world Catachan Kithamon did exactly have an easy time growing up. Unlike the childhoods of most people-- his was a life of constant danger and a struggle for survival. He grew up with his father who was an accomplished jungle fighter and master hunter. His mother having died when he was very young Kithamon was raised primarily by his father who taught him the many basic but essential skills needed to survive in their hostile home. Among the skills he obtained was the familiarity with death and loss which harden him into a young boy. At age ten a inquisitor and his retinue made the unexpected visit to his home town. Allegedly seeking a skilled guide through the dangerous jungle for some obscure mission. Kihamon’s father was chosen for the task and lead the inquisitor into the Catachan jungles when unexpected disaster struck. A wild mantra, a big cat with a deadly venom, attacked the retinue catching the group off guard. While defending the inquisitor Kith’s father was gravely wounded and on death's door. Having followed the small group due to his worry over his father’s safety. This is where you provide me with a reasonably detailed account of your character's life. Important fact: All Arbites are recruited through the Schola Progenium, an Ecclesiarchy-run organization that takes in and trains orphaned children of high-ranking Imperial officials to provide the next generation of elite individuals. Now, I don't need to know exactly how they were trained or the details of every operation they've been a part of since joining the Arbites, but the following areas of your character's history are key. 1. Formative years of youth on their homeworld, 2. The nature of their parents and their death, 3. Their experience in the Schola Progenium and Arbites training program, 4. Their 'big case'. What has your character achieved that has drawn the attention of Judge Catulo and made him assign your character to Strike Team Omicron? Give me at least three solid paragraphs but feel free to be as thorough as you like. An additional thing to consider is if your character has a relationship or any children of their own in the Precinct-Fortress. I won't rule out the possibility -- they're still people and people breed. The lore doesn't explicitly forbid this so neither will I. PERSONALITY: What kind of person is your character? How have the events of their life influenced them? Have they taken well to the life of an Arbites on Aphrodus Primaris? None of the Arbites are sweethearts, exactly, but there's a measurable difference between a dedicated Arbites and a cynical asshole with no regard for civilian life. Outline that here, please. MISCELLANEOUS: Just in case I forgot anything. [/hider]