[@Halvtand] The fact that it's more simple in nature is exactly why I might have the time for it, so if I can work out the CS soon I'll put it up for you. Though, admittedly, writing up a character that lacks a lot of development is not something I usually do, so I get the feeling my character might have a little more complexity to what's expected of this RP. I'll try to keep it under control. It's good to know something will be done about it if it becomes a problem. I'm not planning on RPing with a character that's part of my project, which is extremely out of the ordinary for me, so I won't have the same level of care as I would have if one of my story characters was being written out of character, but I obviously wouldn't write a character if I didn't care about them at all. Anyway, thought I'd leave you a response so you didn't think I forgot about this. I did mention the concept to one of my associates and they weren't entirely sure how it was meant to work. It looks like they were assuming the GM was posting all of our outcomes, rather than all of us posting each others'. From what you've been saying, it sounds like you're actually going to be part of our party. I probably need to do an all-nighter to fix my progressively worsening sleep pattern, so don't be surprised if I double post and give you a CS in the next few hours, unless you respond in which case it might not be a double post depending on whether I have anything to say back.