[@Holy Soldier] [Quote=Character Sheet Skeleton] Rank: (F-SSS) This is the ranking the scientists have given to you based on how lethal/destructive your character is. Rank F is usually reserved for those that have few, if any, enhancements and have not unlocked their Ability yet. Consequently, those with a ranking of SSS are so unbelievably powerful that their powers only see the light of day when leveling everything in a 10 mile radius is preferable to the alternative. *At the start of the RP, B is the highest rank any Godslayer can have. [B][u]This is largely due to the power limiters we are wearing[/u][/b], so expect these rankings to change as the RP goes on. [/Quote] [Quote=OOC Opening Post] Above is Agni, for his flames have swallowed entire cities and left not even ash in their wake. [B][u]But it has been quite some time since Agni, or any god for that matter, have shown themselves.[/u][/b] Instead, they send their Fiends, creatures that are imbued with a portion of their power and are similarly named after mythical monsters, out to end humanity. [U][b]Nobody is certain where exactly the Gods are hiding, but it is theorized that if enough of a God’s Fiends are slain, the God will reveal themselves.[/b][/u] [/Quote] These were what I was referring to.