Belle's eyes followed Carmen's movements and widened as she pulled out a can of soup, the label was worn and torn but didn't look dented. Why was this perfect stranger sharing food with her? [i]Maybe where she came from they have more?[/i] She reckoned thoughtfully but definitely questioned it, most especially since the world was in shambles. "T-Thank you," Belle whispered softly and reached into her bag for her can opener. "We can share it?" She offered quietly feeling a bit more comfortable with Carmen now despite her instincts telling her not to. It was a challenge to trust people in this day and age, after everything that had happened humanity was reduced to pure survival, such things had manners and respect were long ago tossed out the window, although apparently not in this case. As Carmen commented on her situation Belle half shrugged her shoulders as she struggled with opening the can, her fingers trembling lightly Listening to Carmen she realized how strange it was hearing a voice besides her own, it was wonderful and sad all at once, she had once taken such as thing for granted. "Carmen," Belle repeated and nodded as she listened to the woman speak, seemingly compassionate for offering to take her along. "My name is B-Belle," She introduced tucking back another strand of scraggly hair and she nodded slowly, thoughtfully. What would happened if she declined this offer? She couldn't honestly make it on her own for much longer, food was scarce and she could barely protect herself. "If I stay here I will die... I would like to travel with you, although I can't p-promise I won't slow you down." Belle spoke very honestly, knowing her energy was low and her will was broken but something did want her to continue on. "I'll try my best." She promised raising her soft eyes to look at Carmen.