Ugh, coming off of a bout with a stomach bug. I was ill for a few days and admittedly laid up in bed doing nothing more than watching TV and feeling sorry for myself for the better part of 3 days. I'm over it now for the most part (I sincerely hope, at least) and ready to get back to thinking on our story. I read over our last few posts this morning and before maybe jumping back into writing a post I wanted to see maybe what your thoughts and ideas were for the plot. I think we've got some strong characters to work with, but I'm wondering where we might be taking them really. Luciano's now completed his solo task of ending the foolish thief, and the others are assumed to be pursuing matters as if he were dispatched of. Should they reunite? Or should they continue on their own for a while longer until something else brings them back together in a different fashion? Of course they now have information on when La Volpe will be in Florence, so a time skip could occur. Did you have any thoughts in particular on where to go from here? I just wanted to get some point of reference before I begin on my next post, that way if I need to set up some next checkpoint or series of events, I can do so!