"Well I ain't gonna lie to you, I don't know what's wrong. That's why I haven't been helping," Takeshi admitted lamely as he cast his eyes downward, smiling ruefully and shaking his head, "Nah, I didn't know how so I didn't try, you know? I kinda hoped if we just kept doing our thing, played a bit, that it'd go away, you know? But it didn't." He couldn't keep putting it off, not if Shu wasn't getting any better. They needed help though, they needed Aito. No more avoiding the issue then, he'd take Shu to see the doctor as soon as they got back and try and figure out what they could do. He owed Shu at least that much. Ruffling Shu's hair he smiled at his brother and gave a little nod, looking at the crowd beginning to gather near Viral. "He'll see us buddy, or we can see Sayomi about it, or Vegeta. Hell even Korian might be able to help even if I don't wanna talk to that jerk. We'll find somebody to help." Yumi wasn't sure if someone had overheard their conversation but she was glad for this, glad that Viral was getting some attention now that was very much deserved. It wasn't just some small gesture either that they were giving, music stopped and near everyone present turned to cheer for Viral's efforts, several of the children coming forward with similar gifts given to the others, presenting them to him with smiles aplenty. If she didn't know any better she saw Viral's face turning red and she had to bite her tongue to stifle a laugh, finding it adorable he was trying not to seem so bashful. "Hey, you're being celebrated now, you should smile and wave," Yumi teased as she moved in closer, pausing briefly to smile at some children and wave to them as they rushed over to say hello. The village certainly was a lot more lively since their rescue mission, it was obvious people were much more relaxed now that those things had been dealt with. As the music picked up once again and people returned to their celebrations she leaned over across the log and smiled cheekily, giving Viral a quick kiss on his cheek and patting his back. "They're all having a good time and happy, and it's because of you." "W-Well... If you can open the portal then you can close it, r-right? So if some monsters did c-come through you just have to close it again," Haku said, shrugging as he tried to make sense of T'charrl's unique ability still, "And you'll figure it out if t-there's a way, it was your first time. No one expects you t-to be perfect the first time." That of course implied that there would be a next time, something he was not terribly fond of looking forward to. When it did happen T'charrl would have another chance to try and master his powers and Haku could try and help, even if right now he had no idea of what that help might entail. "Uh... W-When we get back do you want to try w-working on it? I don't know how we can, but... M-maybe we should try?" Or go to someone for help, even if he didn't know who. There had to be plenty of smart people who could help T'charrl figure out what was going on with his energy, people way smarter than Haku himself. Would they even want to help T'charrl? Could they?