[@dabombjk][@Ojo chan 42][@Wick][@mrzerkon] Vladimir chuckled when Sasha spoke. [color=lightblue]"I'd rather hope you didn't mean me dyvol....that would damage me quite badly"[/color] the sarcasm that was laced on that sentence also held humor. He tilted his head into her hand and moved his face when she went to kiss his cheek. Her lips instead met his. He then pulled away and looked at Rick. [color=lightblue]"Yes vampires can feed on animals. The tricky part is learning to hunt them. Perhaps I could teach you pup"[/color] pup was laced with teasing. A different tone then what was used with that word earlier. He then looked up at Nora his features darkening..all humor gone. His eyes seemed to hold a storm as he raised a brow. [color=lightblue]"Perhaps. considering the place we are all in as of now that would be extremly convient would it not?"[/color] he then looked at Sasha a question in his eyes. If he exposed his name here she could be in danger. It was up to her if he would reveal the name he held hidden for so long.