[@Deathsong12] Kay thanks! ^__^ [img]http://cdn.mos.cms.futurecdn.net/f59982f43f25ff87bfb3c46b665ddc51.jpg[/img] ((Yes I know that pic ain't Fallout. Sue me! <.<)) Name: Xia-Mei Age: 34 Ethnicity: Chinese Appearance: No one truly has ever seen the beautiful face of Mei. Those that did only caught a brief glimpse before she "took care" of them. Her dark hair and dark eyes, while traits of her Chinese descent, display her efficiency and her cold lethality. Personality: Being secluded for most of her life has had a significant effect on Xia-Mei's social development, but in her line of work there's no room for socializing, no room for friends. Rarely does she speak, and even more rarely does she smile. Despite her cold exterior however, the woman is capable of showing kindness, just on a few occasions. She may be a highly trained killer who lacks morality, but Mei also has a strong sense of justice. She will not tolerate the likes of vicious slavers and raiders, often killing them on sight. S.P.E.C.I.A.L: 5 Strength 7 Perception 5 Endurance 1 Charisma 8 Intelligence 9 Agility 7 Luck Tag Skills: -Guns -Sneak -Lockpick Minor Skills: -Melee -Science Traits: (None) Perks: -Rapid Reload -Educated -The Professional -Finesse -Night Person -Fast Metabolism -Silent Running -Mister Sandman -Robotics Expert -Computer Whiz -Ninja Weapons & Equipment: -.45 Auto Pistol silenced with night sights -Combat knife -Throwing Knives -Varmint Rifle with black synthetic furnishings, silencer and enhanced night vision scope. ((Pretty much the Ratslayer)) -4 stimpacks -1 canteen of purified water Companion: None - There is no room for companionship in Xia-Mei's line of work. Too much of a liability. Bio: In the years leading up to the Great War, the Communist Republic of China had inserted spies behind enemy lines in the United States. They operated under deep cover, posing as normal civilians and passing on classified information to their handlers in Beijing, often times carrying out clandestine assassinations as well. One such, Xia-Mei, was given the task of seducing a high ranking military officer living in Nevada, a scientist working on a way to sustain human life through cryogenic sleep. He was on the cusp of discoveringa breakthrough when Mei had entered his life. Eventually as time progressed, the woman developed genuine feelings for the scientist. She ended up falling in love with him and the two married and had a daughter. The woman had strict orders to kill the man and pass his secrets onto the intelligence board, but Mei couldn't bring herself to betray the man she loved. Instead, she opted for the peaceful life of a loving housewife and mother. This peace, sadly, would never last... On the day the bombs fell in 2077, the man rushed his wife and daughter to the safety of a specially designed underground bunker ((not a Vault)) where they were cryogenically frozen. Many years passed, and the cryogenic chambers opened. Xia-Mei was the first to awake. Much to her tragedy, the scientist, her loving husband, was dead. Worse, her child had gone missing from the bunker. Motherly instincts kicked in, and soon Xia-Mei set across the Mojave Wasteland in search of her daughter, relying only on her training as a spy. She eventually made it to the outskirts of New Vegas, but was ambushed suddenly by a rabid gang of Fiends. Though a skilled fighter, Mei found herself outnumbered ten to one. They quickly overpowered her and imprisoned her in Vault 3, where for six long months she became their personal "plaything". Six grueling months of rape and abuse took their toll on the woman, forging within her a burning hatred for not just the Fiends but all savages of the wastes. Finally, that hatred spilled over the day she broke free of her captors, leaving a bloody trail of corpses in her wake. Her body broken and fatigued, Mei found herself collapsing on a dingy, discarded mattress in the slums of Freeside. She awoke the next day, but to her surprise, she was no longer in the slums. Instead, she was in a strange concrete room, some sort of holding cell. A mysterious man's voice broadcasted over a speaker in the corner of the room, startling Xia-Mei. [color=8dc73f]"You've no need to be frightened, miss. I assure you I mean no harm. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Mr. Robert Edwin House, founder of RobCo Industries and President, CEO, and Sole Proprietor of the New Vegas Strip. You're probably wondering where you are now, yes? You are in a room beneath the Lucky 38 Casino. My Securitron discovered you lying face down on a mattress after you escaped those loathsome Fiends. Oh yes, I know exactly who you are, Miss Xia-Mei. Once, you were an agent of the long forgotten Chinese Government. Your mission was to relay classified information to your superiors in Beijing then assassinate your assigned target. Instead, you fell in love with the man and had a daughter together. Now...that daughter is missing, and you'll do anythingto find her."[/color] Xia-Mei was alarmed by how much House knew, even more so by the fact it was he who brought her to this cell...but why? [color=ed1c24]"Who are you? Why did you bring me here?"[/color] She inquired with eyes narrowing in suspicion. Pragmatic as ever, House replied, [color=8dc73f]"Twas only a generous offer. I could have left you to rot in that God forsaken cesspool, but a woman of your caliber is something that you do not waste. Secondly, I believe I've already introduced myself, unless you weren't paying attention earlier. I'm a very powerful man, Miss Xia-Mei. For years, I've been collecting information from governments all over the world. It was all in preparation for the day the great powder keg this world was sitting upon was lit....and my, was it ever lit. The point being, Miss Xia-Mei, your "talents" would prove invaluable to a man such as myself. I am willing to offer you a business deal. You work for me as my personal spy and assassin, and I will aid you in all I can to find your missing daughter."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"And if I refuse?"[/color] Xia-Mei hissed. House laughed, [color=8dc73f]"Then I would hate to do this, but...concealed in this very room are four 12.7 millimeter automatic turrets. All I have to do is press one button, and you, my dear, will be nothing more than a relic of the past...a bullet riddled relic of the past. So...do we have a deal?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Fine."[/color] Xia-Mei answered begrudgingly. [color=ed1c24]"But only because I want to see my daughter again."[/color] [color=8dc73f]"You have my word we will find her, Miss Xia-Mei."[/color] House assured. [color=8dc73f]"But until then...you have work to do."[/color] Mei was reluctant to work for House, but nevertheless she served him dutifully gathering information for him and eliminating his rivals. It was at the peak of her career working for House when she was tasked with an assassination. A courier of the Mojave Express was hired by Mr. House to deliver a package to the New Vegas Strip, a platinum poker chip bearing the Lucky 38 insignia. The courier however got greedy and decided he was gonna take off with the chip and sell it for a hefty price. He had only made it so far when Mei tracked him down just mere miles outside the settlement of Goodsprings. She was about to snipe him from the old water tower when she saw the courier get ambushed by a gang of men and a mischievous fellow in a dapper, checkered suit. Mei watched the arrangement taking place, only to witness the man pull out a gun and shoot the courier point blank in the head before taking off with the platinum chip. She would later discover the man's name was Benny, a two timing con-artist who schemed to take over New Vegas. Her initial target presumed dead, Mei pursued Benny across the Mojave in order to kill him and return the platinum chip to House. She eventually ended up close to the town of Novac, where she was mistaken for an NCR spy and captured by Caesar's Legion. Mei was sent to Cottonwood Cove soon after, where she was to be transported to the Fort, interrogated, then crucified. It was at Cottonwood Cove Mei discovered the horrible truth. Her daughter was captured by the slavers and sold to a wealthy man who had traveled down from the Commonwealth. Enraged by this news, the woman lashed out, brutally stabbing a Decanus she was handed over to for a night of fun, and made her escape. During her captivity, many events had transpired. Benny was dispatched by an unknown assailant in his casino The Tops, Mr. House had been "deactivated", and the NCR had possession of the platinum chip. Also, Mei learned the Legion's most decorated commander, Legate Lanius, was preparing an all out assault on the Hoover Dam. ...but she didn't care about any of this... As the Battle of Hoover Dam raged onward, Xia-Mei made preparations to leave the Mojave and make the long, arduous journey to the Commonwealth. She had no idea if her daughter was alive or dead, but one thing was for certain, she would find the man her child was sold to...and kill him. Faction: Independent - During her journey, Xia-Mei has done various work for factions. Most of these jobs obviously were assassinations and gathering vital intelligence. However, Mei never considered herself a member of any faction she did business with. They were strictly a means of compensation for her. [i]The lone wolf prowls, seeking her lost cub.[/i]