[quote=@Andreyich] [@Hank] Would a ripper-pistol be an acceptable side-arm for an Investigator? Also I am probably not going to carry a "primary" weapon except for the massive riots, since I do not see the point of an investigator going around with one. Could he be a latent psyker as well, like discovering his limited powers as the RP goes on and trying to hide them from the team, and realising that he is not as good as a detective as he thought and was "cheating" the whole time? Or is that too snowflakey? [/quote] [hider=DD] Due to the dangerous undercover nature of their occupation, Arbites detectives are expected to use every tool and skill available to them in their pursuit of justice. To this end, many of those chosen for duty as a detective are psykers trained by the Arbites Departmento Psionica to use their mental abilities to assist and protect them as they work their way through the ranks of the criminal elements with which they associate themselves. Due to the Imperium’s official stand on unsanctioned psykers, a psionic detective’s mental powers may even serve as an effective means of eliciting trust and interest from those groups he intends to infiltrate. [/hider] You know Adeptus Arbites actually employs psyker Detectives last I remember from the books. If they are allowed in this RP is another story. I doubt it though. Makes sense though considering their dangerous undercover ops. You're probably most likely to die now that I think about it. :P [quote=@Hank] And seriously, what does a [i]law enforcement officer[/i] need a rocket launcher for? This is a Hive World, not a warzone. [/quote] [b]Halligan Missile Launcher[/b] [i]The Halligan Missile Launcher is a short-ranged, armour piercing weapon specially designed for the Adeptus Arbites. It is their weapon of choice when they need to break through a heavily armoured wall or gate. The missiles it fires are capped off with a warhead specifically designed to blow through thick plascrete walls or adamantium gates.[/i]