Masamune kneel'd down at the small stream in front of him and touch the water, feeling the cool liquid touch his hands. He smiled and looked up to where the stream was coming from...a pond. Inside were some koi fish that had been swimming around, circling about trying to find food. He sighed out, turned, and began to walk out of the garden through some bamboo. "I suppose it is time for me to meet up with Nobunaga." He scratched the back of his head quietly, sighing out a bit. "He doesn't like it when I keep him waiting." Masamune then proceeded to walk back into Edo, through the streets, and up to castle steps. The steps were eerily quiet and inside the courtyard, nobody was present. He stood there silently, looking at the cherry blossom. "Why are the castle grounds deprived of guards...." He said silently, his alert being up a bit. He never did like peace and quiet, unless of course it was during his gardening or painting.