[b]República Democrática do Junho[/b] (DRJ) [img]http://i227.photobucket.com/albums/dd269/Aveverde/DRJ-flag.jpg[/img] [i]The famous headless leopard on a field of soothing terracotta.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Democratic Republic of Junho, [i]República Democrática do Junho [ʒuɲo][/i] (DRJ) [b]Demonym:[/b] Junholese [b]Government:[/b] Constitutional republic. The president and mayors are elected every five years. [b]Head of State:[/b] Presidente Amando Furtado [b]National Anthem:[/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-JXKvlGc9U]Vaidade Nacional[/url] [b]National Religion:[/b] Catholicism [b]Population:[/b] 900,000 [b]Geography:[/b] The entire island is covered by a mountain range with three major mountains and smaller ones surrounding them. Cliffs make up much of the rocky northern shore but the southern shore has long sandy beaches. Land inward on the mountain slopes the dense tropical rainforest only makes way for farming terraces cultivating mostly coffee and hemp. [b]Demographics:[/b] 41% European (primarily of Portuguese descent) (40%), Mulatto (45%), African (19%), Other (1%) [b]Languages:[/b] Portuguese (Official), Junholese Creole [b]Notable Locations:[/b] Porto Junho (Capital) - Population: 115,000. Vila do Mação - Population: 60,000. Nova Portimão - Population: 34,000. Odimera - Population: 25,000. Primary Economic Sector: Tourism (Nature, beaches and so forth) Secondary Economic Sector: Agrarian - Non-Food Abundant Food Resources: Coffee *** - Indicates a triple roll, making this country the dominant coffee exporter in the region Abundant Non-Food Agricultural Resources: Hemp, Narcotics Abundant Mineral Resources: Nickel Army: Experienced Small Army, former colonial military units that served in colonial wars abroad prior to independence. Decently equipped. Navy: Torpedo/patrol boats. Air Force: No Air Force [b]History:[/b] In 1661 Captain Alfonso do Maio, sailing under Portuguese flag, set foot on the uninhabited island he would later name after the month he arrived. Colonisation followed and a large number of slaves were transported to the island to work in the fields cultivating fruits and coffee. Despite conflicts with the Dutch and British in the region, the Ilha do Junho remained under Portuguese control and slowly grew over the years. On 7 September 1822, when Brazil declared independence from Portugal, Junho was incorporated into the Empire of Brazil. In the following decades Junho was generally ignored and when the empire collapsed in 1889 the small island became a Brazilian colonial territory. In the early 20th century, with Portugal in turmoil, Junho welcomed a new wave of Portuguese immigrants bringing with them new and exotic political ideas. The island's Republican Party talked openly of independence but since the people on the mainland barely knew of Junho's existence and Brazil descended into a decade of dictatorship, nothing happened. In the second world war the Junholese army formed part of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force that fought alongside the allies in Italy. Finally in 1945, when the Brazilian dictator Vargas was deposed, the Republican Party declared an independent Democratic Republic of Junho. Naturally, the Republican Party won the nation's first ever elections with a landslide victory. The Republican Party was of course also the only existing political party at that time. The next elections 5 years later were cancelled due to an unfortunate voting ballot shortage. However, two years later the president still managed to lose his post after a night of high-stakes poker in the Odimera Beach Hotel (✩✩✩✩✩) when, in a drunken stupor, the president gambled away his presidency. The lucky winner of the historic poker game was Amando Erasmo Furtado: real estate developer, prominent Republican Party member and backgammon extraordinaire. As the constitution listed no law that forbade betting one's post in a game of cards, Amando Furtado was inaugurated as Junho's new president. Under his leadership, Junho, which was known only for its coffee and weed, was turned into a popular tourist destination. After completing his first term, President Amando Furtado was re-elected in 1957 with an overwhelming victory gathering an impressive and believable 95% of the votes. [hider=President Amando Furtado] [b]Name:[/b] Amando Erasmo Furtado [b]Age:[/b] 49 [b]Background:[/b] A/14. Developer B/14. Corporate Buyout C/6. Diplomatic D/7. Compulsive Gambler[/hider] [hider=Other Persons of Note] Paula Furtado (40) - First Lady of Junho Santiago Lopes (55) - Minister of Tourism Mateus Álvares (61) - Minister of Defence Filipe Nascimento (39) - Head of Hidden Intelligence Division (HID) Gilberto Nascimento (58) - Minister of Foreign Affairs Musa Hisakawa (Hisakawa Musashi) (47) - Army General Francisco da Silva (65) - Mayor of Porto Junho[/hider]