[@Ojo chan 42][@Wick] Vladimir chuckled as the two teased each other. He shook his head and then froze somewhat when Sasha began to bleed. He eyes Rick and exhaled. He nodded when Sasha spoke...basically giving him permission. He spoke as he took off his shirt and began tearing it into strips. [color=lightblue]"My name is Vladimir Von Helsing. I have been around for a very long time."[/color] he then stood faster then the eye could trace and rewrapped Sasha's bleeding wound. [color=lightblue]"I am typically neutral in these sorts of matters but Dracula puts me in a non neutral spot"[/color] he then turned and pulled a syringe out of his boot. He handed it to Rick. [color=lightblue]"When you feel the blood lust...use it. I will teach you...though it will be somewhat different then what you are used to."[/color] he then took his place once more in from of Sasha and eye balled the elders. A dare almost clear in his eyes.