“She’ll only be napping for a little while,” Bea shrugged shifting her bag a little bit as they headed down the poorly lit hallway. But she supposed th at they could set up there and if Ms. Mortimer became annoying, they could move up to her room with the door open. She only tended to walk by often then instead of hover and try to interject it every little thing. “I suppose we'll just have to see how things are when we get there.” She was silent for a moment, thinking back to make sure that there wasn't anything that she forgotten to tell him about. She knew she'd not felt particularly nervous or like she was being watched. But she was distracted with finals and this whole craziness. So maybe she just missed them. But she doubted that greatly. “No. I don't think so. Everything seemed the same as it was before. No new people or lurking shadows.” [Center] 《》 《》[/center] Rebeca shook her head firmly at the girl’s resistance. “In America, it is customary to tip delivery staff,” she said with another smile. “And while this may not be America, I'm still American. So I'm going to tip you and you can take it here or I can go make a big stink of it with your boss.” She shrugged her shoulders, lips pursed some. “I guess if you rather, think of it as a consultant's fee. If you're right or wrong, doesn't matter. You offered advice, even if poorly received.” She wasn't about to let it go so easily it seemed, and her father and captain standing a few feet behind didn't seem inclined to stop her insistence either.