[quote=@dreamer] I am and Nino sounds like a great character to have. Would be interesting to either see him as a support or one of those broken characters that grows into something else as a primary. Tyre/Trictech still has one primary character slot left so you're free to take it :) On a different note two of my co-workers quit so I don't actually have any free time. I'm going to get started on an IC post now but if I don't finish I'll just have to post it later when I get the chance. Thank you for your patience! EDIT: I have the OOC up, basically a copy of the interest check. I also updated the characters list with eveyrone and put it up on the character's page. Here's the link, http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/153251-lost-but-not-alone/ooc [/quote] I'll take a whack at Primary although I can see him dropping down to Secondary with someone else in the group taking up that position if things somehow manage to get worse with him. Shame about your co-workers. Take your time, there's no need to rush on the IC post.