[center][h1] [color=f49ac2]Nikki Hishamie [/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s20.postimg.org/i2iblwhnx/faith_buffy_the_vampire_slayer_1157062_329_428.jpg[/img][/center] After helping Violet Nikki put her trench on and walked outside. Her instincts made her check the immediate vicinity and she decided to take a walk. She had her weapons on her if she needed them, sword included. She walked down the road and looked at the area as she went. She sighed heavily as the reality of what happened hit her fully and a few tears rolled down her face. They had lost so many in the explosion. The kids Christian, Mickey and Sadie, Camyllia, Kat, George's wife Betsy. There had been several couples and others whose name she didn't remember but she did know their faces. It was these faces that kept flashing in her memory. She was thankful that George and Darius had made it out but they were almost all that had. The guard members that went inside to help didn't come back out alive. Jon was inside and he and Ingrid had made it but Jon was too wounded to fight right now. Matt, Gracie, Sasha, Ingrid, Jon, Darius, Ethan, Alex and Erin, George, Kyle and Nikki and presumably now Violet too and four or five of the guards, that was all that was left. Nikki looked up and saw a walker stumbling towards her and she pulled out her sword and swung it and kept walking as it's head rolled across the road. She wondered when this all had become so normal to her that they worried more about the living hurting them than the dead. She moved her hand to her baby bump and wondered what it would be like in five years and if her own child would be alive then. Would any of them? Nikki's maternal instincts were screaming at her to find another place like the school and make it safe before her baby was born. On her way back to Violet's house she saw one other walker and it had no legs. Other than that she didn't see anything. As she approached the farmhouse she saw one of the guards talking to a young woman that she'd never seen before. Wondering who this was she listened from afar. There was something about her. Nikki couldn't put her finger on it but it was weird. Her internal radar went off and told her to be cautious. [@Caits][@dabombjk]