[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46225469/RP/Tamako/Tamako_b.png[/img][/center] [hider=Tamako] [list] [*]Name: Temporal Defense Unit 6-2 (Tamako) [*]Age: 26 (17 by appearances) [*]Gender: Female [*]Appearance: [img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/46225469/RP/Tamako/Tamako.png[/img] [*]Personality: Cool and detached, but she is working on it. [*]Equipment:[list] [*]Herself - Tamako is a highly advanced combat Android built around a cutting edge temporal/spatial manipulation engine. Because she is standalone and cut off from support, she is limited in how she can manifest these functions. She is not particularly strong or durable. Defense Units are expected to act in a covert manner. [*]Staging Area - the staging area is a pocket of fixed time. whenever you enter and leave again, no the will have passed outside of it while the door is closed. The interior space is much larger than the physical area of her apartment. She stores her weapons and supplies here. [*]Time Bombs - These gadgets freeze time around themselves for a period of three seconds. They are rendered inert if there is a human within the area of effect. [*]Thousand Round Magazine - Spatially modified rifle magazines. Exactly what it says on the box. [*]Rifle - An ordinary rifle imported through JSDF contacts. No really, totally ordinary. [/list] [*]Abilities:[list] [*]Time distort - Tamako is only able to halt the passage of time in discrete areas and can not affect an unwilling human with this. She can not move while using this. [*]Limited Reset - A function that allows Tamako to restore her physical state to that of 24 hours previous. Her current body is destroyed to the molecular level and a copy is loaded up in the Staging Area. All physical changes as well as memories are reverted to the backup. [*]Spatial Distort - She can set up pockets of compressed space that can contain roomfuls of volume in a vastly compressed area. This is limited to gadgets that she creates such as her thousand round magazines, the Staging Area and her bag. [*]Gravity Distort - The Android is also capable of nullifying gravitational effects on herself. Basically, she can 'fly'. [/list] [*]Skills:[list] [*]Pizza! - Aside from her budget supplied by the JSDF in return for her assistance in training, Tamako works at a pizza shop to earn spending money. she enjoys both baking the pizzas and delivering them. She does not consider using her abilities in her execution of this as being frivolous. [*]Shooting - She both enjoys and excels at shooting. Tamako sometimes assists the JSDF in training exercises. much to her regrets is not permitted to compete as she is not human. [/list] [*]Brief Backstory: Tamako is a combat android crated for the purpose of preventing time travelers from making malicious changes to a time line. She was sent back from three hundred years in the future, just after the first time machines were invented, to the year 2001. The details of exactly what happened are not known but because of a malfunction Tamako was unable to return to the future. Initially she had possession of huge amounts of data including social media and news articles that spanned from that year to her own time. at the conclusion of her mission and the realization that she was stranded that data as well as anything pertaining to the initial objective was voluntarily deleted. Tamako submitted herself to the authority of the Outbreak Agency days later. She justifies her assistance by deciding that it would serve to fulfill the spirit of her mission. [*]Allegiance: Outbreak Agency [/list] [/hider]