Abigail decided to sit on the twitching Yagamine as she looked at the others still hanging around the hallway outside the rooms. She looked at poor Mr. Six with surprise, as if she'd just noticed that he was in pain. She noticed how he called Mr. Brown 'number Seven'. [color=aba000][i]He's still going with calling everyone a number. Ugh.[/i][/color] It wasn't that she minded alien customs like that, it was just she was starting to think the majority of people around Maple 801 - 101 were just weird and crazy, alien or not. Despite these odd quirks everyone seemed to have, she was sure she'd be able to get along and befriend them in due time. She needed people to talk too after all. She figured she'd at least introduce herself to those present that didn't know her name yet. [color=aba000]"Hey there, I'm Abigail...for those of you who didn't already know that."[/color] She looked at Six, debating with herself internally if she should tell him or not...she supposed he'd find out anyway one way or the other. [color=aba000]"My room is number eight." [/color] [@Simple Unicycle][@Keyenpeydee][@Frau Koujiro]