[hider=Bragi] Name: Bragi Age: 24 Gender: Male. Appearance: Slightly wavy, shoulder length hair, hazel eyes. Around 1,98m high. His body is athletic, a little bit bulky. [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/fa/0a/e7/fa0ae7b84ebaee9b35b385db25f38424.jpg[/img] [hider=Combat suit] [img]https://s10.postimg.org/raxswi7y1/0b86f3d1523a69ad6fdd2270ee4b4cbd.jpg[/img] [/hider] Personality: He is a silver-tongued person. This coupled with the fact that he isn't the type of person who holds back what he feels, make him quite infamous. Very straightforward, he will often say what he thinks, unless the matter is love. He doesn't know how to react when women hit on him, and often turns into a clumsy mess when trying to confess his feelings to a girl he likes. Otherwise, he is a very calm man. Bragi is a very relaxed guy, you can say he is quite lazy, and often will do things the easy way. His pretty smile and silver tongue hide some secrets, unlike people may think. He is very secretive with people he don't know, maintaining the appearances. Due to his line of job, he learned to never fully trust anyone. Equipment: [hider=EMXRAD dual-stage, anti material rifle.] Shooting tungsten, needle like projectiles, this rifle is a marvel of modern technology. Using a hybrid chemical and electro-magnetic rail, it can fire projectiles with an effective distance to over 10km. Its stabilized optic system and offboard controller provides this riffle to a near 100% accuracy. [img]https://s17.postimg.org/6utjc5m7z/3b90d7ab96ab504b1b370035e22c8663.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Special combat suit AKA "BOOMBOX"] Specially designed to complement his abilities, this suit protects him and has a powerful system, able to emit every kind of waves and radiation, so Bragi doesn't need to search for a source of those waves to control them. [img]https://s10.postimg.org/raxswi7y1/0b86f3d1523a69ad6fdd2270ee4b4cbd.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Royal Marechausee revolver] Special .357 rounds, equipped with a targeting visor. Equipped with two different bullet types, it can cycle through them with a switch. [img]https://s16.postimg.org/4n04jnc2d/wouter_gort_revolver_3_fill_in.jpg[/img] [/hider] Abilities: With a rather unique ability, he is able to control every kind of waves, be them sound waves, radiation waves, light, etc. Although he can control them, he is restricted to emit only sound waves when without his suit. Light is present everywhere, so its not actually a problem. He mainly uses it to bend light waves around him, effectively making him invisible (one can still spot him if he looks very, very carefully. Think of it as the "cloaks" from various sci-fi games and fps.) Another one of his unique abilities is electricity. He is able to emit and control electricity, using it mainly to create magnetic fields, making him able to climb through walls, or offensively to incapacitate an enemy. Skills: - Sharpshooter: An entire life of shooting has earned this lazy agent with quite a reputation as the best sharpshooter that the money can buy. - Parkour: Moving fast is essential to his kind of job, - Infiltrating / Spying: Stealthy when he needs to be and sociable when the situation asks for it. He can sneak into any organization, be it by his sharp tongue or his quiet and agile steps. - Being extraordinarily lazy when outside of a mission: Well, he will probably ask for you to do many things for him. Its actually hard to make him lift a finger when he is outside of a mission. Brief Backstory: A mercenary. One of the best. Bragi was famous in the underworld as the mercenary who always completed his mission without flaws, be it espionage, assassination or infiltration. The money was good, but he was growing tired of it. All of it was rather useless. He never felt that he was actually doing anything to change how things worked. He hated the underworld. All that corruption, rotten to its core. Woman, children and old were nothing but trash. Every men had a price. Sure, the money was good, but he grew rather tired of it... Being hired by a mafia group to kill another. Kill a mob boss. Another one takes its place and hires him again to avenge its former boss. Everything he saw was corruption, unfriendly faces, drugs, dirty money, violence... They say every man has a price. Well... that is true. But in the same way, every man has its limit. The world he lived in was disgusting. He became depressed, denying every mission or mark he received. Money wasn't a problem, he had more than he knew what to do with. Weeks passed, months passed, after a year, his life was resumed to sitting in his fancy house all day, listening to music, eating and sleeping. Everything changed when he got news about a certain organization, the Outbreak Agency. Their goals seemed fair and just, and they were doing an interesting work. Surely, it was better than the shithole he was now. Immediately, he tracked down this agency. Offering his work for free, it took a while for them to believe him. After all, he was very infamous in the underworld, and now an assassin of his caliber was offering his services for free? Everything went well after he told them his motives, his true motives. That's right, he didn't lied. It wasn't like they had a choice anyways... He could infiltrate easily in that agency if he wanted. Allegiance: Outbreak Agency. [/hider]