Ezel was lost in thought as he sometimes does. One would think that he might be retarded when it comes to speech, but they couldn't be more wrong. In fact it is really hard for the Granock kin to produce the appropriate sounds needed in the common language. His mind on the other hand works overtime just to keep the sentences short and simple enough to not make a real fool of himself. He wasn't even noticing what happened around him since he was recalling each hammer blow dealt to the pick he just reforged, Even thou he gave it away for free, it would be bad for his dwindling business if he omitted a defect. The smell of fried fish and rice was pulling him back to his senses, but he was rather unwilling to give up on his reflection. Something caressed his chin, other people had arrived, he could feel a pigeon landing on his head, some idle talk could be heard far from the center of his attention. The pigeon rustled for a moment as some glass broke and brought the living rock back to its senses. A woman clad in black reaching down to pick up something, a young man that looked as if he had seen a ghost. And just beside him another squid like Beastkin of sorts but which had rather fluffy tentacles, The nine appendages seemed to move according to their own will attracting attention in a hypnotizing manner. He Slowly started to reach for one of then his hand moving at a agonizing speed as if not to startle them. His eyes moved onto the young man as he suddenly sprouted fire from his hand. While flash of flame that came through the gloves of the young man distracted the gaze of the rocky man, it did not break him from his intention to grab one of the tentacles. His hand moved with such steadiness that it attract even less attention then the pigeon atop of his head. Ezel's yes caught the rage on the boys face, who was probably the possessor of the once whole glass piece. It was quickly replaced by a feeling of anguish. As the young man continued to ask about work, Ezel started feeling sorry for the boy and said in his avalanche like voice [indent][b]"Boy, you come with me..."[/indent][/b] Naturally the sound of his voice startled both the pigeon and the tentacles. The pigeon itself leaving a mark of unappreciation of his startle on the back of the talking statues head. But it was of no importance at the moment. His food also seemed ready, thus he turned his attention to the girl behind the counter and called out to her [indent][b]"More food and drink, for the boy, woman and the octopus here. I pay"[/indent][/b] for the last person he pointed to the creature with the fluffy appendages.