[center] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/f5/fe/4e/f5fe4eba6b08794dfe6a5481b4565418.jpg [/img] [/center] [@Sol Grim] “Oh fuck, man, I dunno,” Alejandro sobbed, tears streaking down his dark cheeks “this shits above my pay grade you know?” He gagged, joking on the built up phlegm in his throat, and letting out a hacking cough. “It ain’t the Donna, nah, at least I don’t think so. My girl Zheng was turning tricks at the Imperial, that new Torres club. She said there are some weird types who hang around those parts. You get the odd NCR soldier, that ain’t news, but there was this fella...Breckinridge. Said he dresses fancy, talks proper. One time he comes in askin’ about where the Pagans hang out, who they chill with, all that stuff.” Alejandro paused, taking a moment to catch his breath. “If anyone knows what's going on with the Pagans, I reckon its him. Now...you’re gonna let me go, right? That’s everything I know...promise!” [hr] [@Andreyich] Fred’s pistol shot ripped through the darkness, slamming into the duo of stealth-clad junkers that were crouching in the shadows. The stench of burning flesh wafted through the back-alley, as a pair of smoldering corpses crashed to the ground. The woman yelped, drawing a pipe revolver and pointing it shakily at the recharge-wielding gunslinger. “H-hold on n-now…” she stammered “let's be civil about this.” [hr] [@Dragonbud] “Donna Lazzari?” Jeshua asked, raising one eyebrow “The youngest Lazzari brother, Alfredo, likes to go a few rounds in the ring every now and then.” The slickly-dressed man flashed Dusty his award-winning smile. “”Why not come take a walk to the gym with me? If you put on a good show I’ll be sure to give you some private time with Alfredo.”