Jenso glared at Ada as she spoke. He had no reason to believe anything she said, but it didn't seem like he had much of a choice. Either way, he had to fight, and he needed to win in 10 minutes or a lot of people would die. He hoped Dacer was okay, but it just wasn't the time for Jenso to try to escape and find his friend. If he was even able too, anyways. [color=f26522]"Fine, bring it!"[/color] He shouted, keeping a close eye on the incoming imps and the strange puddles of goo that followed them. He was unsure what the purpose of the puddles of goo were, but there was only one way to find out. He dashed towards the right side to increase the distance between himself and the imps that came in from the left to avoid being pinned down, and aimed a low-sweeping kick at the imps on the right side.