[center] [u][b]Alchemy[/b][/u] [hider=Blood Grass] Blood grass Blood grass is a family of ancient herbs, the most common of which is a Bluish/Green (Turquoise) colour. A very common sight in the mountainous areas of Seikatsu, it is usually a very benign plant unless in the hands of very experienced alchemists and notably the Battle Mages of Eastern Seikatsu Who concoct useful Battlefield Potions. As to why it is called Blood Grass; when certain concoctions/potions with this family of herbs have been synthesised, it produces various effects and changes in the body of the user. The most common Turquoise Blood Grass potions when consumed by someone it almost immediately forces their bodies to creates a new type of dark green/blue blood that mix in with the normal red blood. Nobody knows how this happens but the new blood drastically improves the performance of the mages on the battlefield, slowing their perception of time by 1/10th and improving their eyesight in the dark, giving a characteristic green glow in their eyes. Slightly less common, Crimson Blood grass is said to have the ability to focus the mind of the user at a various deep levels (depends on how strong the potion is), even allowing them to talk to their subconcious. This is extremely rare and has never been fully verified as most fall into madness after excess use of the herb. The variety, Violet Blood Grass, is extremely rare and its effects are unknown. Currently it can only be found deep in Seikatsu Forest in the heart of Seikatsu. Legend says when a powerful mage consumes this herb in a certain potion (The recipe has been lost according to legend) the consumer is said to be able to leave his body and travel to the other world of the shades and spirits. This however is most likely simply a legend. One off uses are safe and even useful when performing certain tasks however, consuming these “Blood Potions” on a consistent basis when there is no need for its effects is highly dangerous to mages. They can become highly dependant on them and eventually, fall into madness. There is also an innate link between the mage’s magic and these potions that are not fully understood. It is known however that these herbs are not as addictive to magic users unless they use it regularly, due to the magic somehow keeping the addictive properties at bay. However those less magically inclined, are more susceptible to addiction even after one use, giving them a sense of profound calm and ecstasy and immediate addiction as they do not have the necessary magic reserves to fight off the addiction. Due to the requirement of magic to access the useful traits of the herb, those who do not practice magic are unable to access these useful traits. [/hider] [hider=Mandrakes] Name: Mandrake Type: plant (flowering) Description: A magical plant that is used in a variety of magical applications. There’s five large leaves at the base, with another four leaves stretched out and curled above a rounded fruit at the center. The surface is filled with oval honeycomb pattern to allow insects within and has a strong, rotting stench. Before maturity it has dark, saturated purple coloring along the leaves and center fruit with the upright ones yellowing at the tips. The color changes to a vibrate, glowing blue on its whole surface. Diameter for the center fruit is about 8 cm all around with each ground leaf being about 12 cm. The upraised leaves reach about half a foot off the ground and are about 6 cm in width, their tips cut into a V shaped end. Climate: Within Beliokias, the mandrake thrives in rainy, humid and temperate forest regions. However, it’s possible that it can adapt to other regions with time and assistance. Development/Lifespan: Formaroth (lowered time by ten, estimated amount) Matures: 1 year Blooms: 2 months Life: 2-5 years Beliokias Matures: 10 years Blooms: 20 months Life: 20 -50 years Uses: Seeds: Coat and fix magical enchantment on items though boiling the seeds. Root: Healing and illness. Fruit: Delicacy, enhanced health and life. Earth equivalent: Corpse flower and watermelon influence [/hider] [hider=Ghost Orchard] An incredibly rare plant that only grows on the side of mountains. Used for a number of alchmist potions but also held in high esteme by the church. According to spripture, Klebrithy's first vison was of a ghost orchard growing in the middle of her neighbouring woodland (a enviroment thought impossible to grow such a flower in). Upon travelling to the woodland she found the flower growing exactly where her vision said it would be. Many preserved ghost orchards are kept within the grand temple for display. [/hider] [/center]