Sadri’s quip as he came to his rescue, punting the arachnid automaton off him as if it weighed nothing more than sheep’s wool while cleaving the other in two, put him in a foul mood, stemming from shame at the incident of being rendered near useless. He rushed to his feet, but not before blood stung his eye. Above his right brow and down to his ear, stretched a vicious wound. Were he to put two of his fingers together, it would measure the area of the afflicted portion of his face. While it was not a cut, for he had been cut before by blades, this felt more like a burn; a burn that did not hold the familiar pain of being burned by fire. This burn, lightning in nature, left the area around the wound with a sensation that he needed to scratch at the unmarred skin. With haste, his eyes swept over the remainder of his body, and noticed that the spider’s lightning powers had ripped through a portion of his tunic, exposed through the gap in his armor, and there, the color crimson had seeped through, a wound similar to the one on his brow, though, as his fingers probed underneath his armor, did not feel as deep. When the time came for the rest of the company to move out, he was struck with a difficult choice. While part of him wanted to remain behind with Elmera, another part of him, perhaps the explorative nature in him, wished to carry on with the rest of the company. However, leaving Elmera behind, alone, to guard the entrance to the elevator shaft, did not sit well with him. A woman shouldn’t meet a fate meant for a man, if it can’t be helped. Not to mention, as those that were not injured were readying to go, he took immediate note of the injury that she had sustained in the first assault. That settled it. He would stay. Gathering his rucksack from off the granite floor, he made his way over to Elmera, and sat akin to her. Here, he let out an exasperated sigh, one filled with hidden annoyance that he had not chosen to continue on with the expedition. His eyes shifted sideways to gaze upon the Dunmeri woman, and noticed, that much like Sadri, albeit without the numerous scars upon his face, appeared to be close in age to him. Though, to be fair, he had a hard time determining how old any given Mer were in age. For the time being, he preferred to sulk in silence.