[center][h1][Color=DF0101]Haakon J. Elvsgaard[/color][/h1] [img]http://riverwalkjazz.stanford.edu/sites/default/files/images/Bix_portrait(1).jpg[/img][/center] [hr][center][Color=DF0101]Location:[/color]Egyptian Museum[/center][hr] [i]Bastet...Bastet...[/i]No, the word Bastet was as far from Haakon's recollection as he was away from home. And yet he tried again and again to dig deeper, trying to unlock any hidden chambers of knowledge in his mind in search of that word. [i]Bastet.[/i] Was it Arabic? Egyptian? Was the word have any reasonable meaning behind it, or was it even a word? But from the look on Miss Munn's face, Haakon was getting the gnawing feeling that it nothing good. [Color=DF0101]"Dre...dreams? Yes of course I've had dreams. We both know it's perfectly normal to have dreams, Miss Munn."[/color] Haakon was tempted to pull his finger back and reply in a rude manner to Vera. It was ridiculous to assume that the dreams had anything to do with this! Or so he would have shot back at her, had it not been for the pain and the actuall branding on his finger, so he didn't move his finger an inch while looking at her. [Color=DF0101]"...altough I am inclined to believe in the ridiculous for once."[/color] Miss Kingston and one of the two gentlemen had by now introduced themselves, each in their own respective - and frankly brow-raising - manner. And as a matter of fact, all these formalities was starting to annoy him. But biting his pain and pride inside him, he thought it best to remain calm amongst the storm. [Color=DF0101]"Elvsgaard, Haakon J. Elvsgaard. Journalist, and no I am not an American if that's what your assuming. Now can we please attend to the matter at hand? Miss Munn, before this...mark appeared on my finger, all our fingers as a matter of fact, including Miss Kingston..."[/color] Haakon nodded in the direction of Nora, noticing her attempt in hiding her own branding. [Color=DF0101]"...just after we arrived at the shore of the Nile, followed by the sight of a ring floating in the river itself. But...this sounds mad, I know, but the ring we all saw vanished into this air! The ring...I have seen it in my dreams, That's the same ring!"[/color]